Tuesday 1 January 2008

Valmöjligheter (Prince of whales?)

Ni som var med i Klurendrejeriet® mini i höstas kanske minns den sista ledtråden som skulle leda tankarna till ordet val (om inte går det bra att titta här). Nu har valarnas förmodade ursläkting hittats av paleontologen Hans Thewissen vid Northeastern Ohio State University i ett prov som samlades in i Kashmir för 20 år sedan. Detta redovisas i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Nature som även sammanfattar vilka som hyllas med årsdedikationer, däribland potatisen och grodor. Förhoppningsvis dyker grodorna inte upp här i Klurbloggens texter.

No couch potato.
Ingen groda.

All of you who participated in Klurendrejeriet® mini last fall may remember that the last clue was to lead the thoughts to the word val, the Swedish word for i whale, ii election, and iii choice (if you do not remember, click here). Now, the ancestor of whales is said to be have found by the paleontologist Hans Thewissen at the Northeastern Ohio State University in a sample that was collected in Kashmir some 20 years ago. This is reported in the scientific journal Nature, which also has collected a few of the dedications "The Year of the ..." where we find both potatoes and frogs. Let us hope that all couch potatoes get active when they read Klurbloggen.

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