I dagens moderna samhälle är det knappt någon som använder den fysiska motsvarigheten av det dubbelgrubbelord vi sökte här, möjligtvis med undantag vid högtidsdagar. Detta till trots, valde Svenska Akademien att inkludera detta begrepp i den trettonde upplagan av dess ordlista, SAOL XIII, och tur var väl det för hur ofta ser man ord med samma bokstav upprepad tre gånger efter varandra? Ljudvärdesmässigt blir det till och med fyra bokstäver när man högläser det eftersökta ordet: TT-telegram! TT står naturligtvis för Tidningarnas telegrambyrå, vilket gör ordet självrefererande. Telegrammen läses numera inte upp i radiomen gjorde så länge sedan starten 1 januari 1922. TT är även det mer familjära namnet på ölvarumärket Three Towns, vars namn kommer från de stora bryggerierna i Göteborg (Pripps), Malmö (Skånebryggerier) och Stockholm (St. Erik) vid deras USA-lansering av ett exportöl 1955. I frågan angavs riktnumren till dessa tre städer i grönvit stil liknande den i senare tids reklam för drycken ifråga. Rätt svar: m (30 poäng)
Nånting te teet?
T for two?
In the modern world today, there is hardly any that uses the physical representation of the doubly troublesome word we were looking for here, with the possible exception of weddings. This fact, however, did not stop the Swedish Academy to include the term in the thirteenth edition of its dictionary, SAOL XIII, allowing us to find a Swedish word with a triply repeated consonant! Soundwise, we would even have to include a fourth letter to get the sought-after entry: TT-telegram! TT is the official abbrevation of the news agency Tidningarnas telegrambyrå, making the word self-referencing. The first telegram sent by TT was issued January 1, 1922. TT is also the casual term for the Swedish beer brand Three Towns, whose name is derived from large breweries in Gothenburg (Pripps), Malmö (Skånebryggerier), and Stockholm (St. Erik) used at the US launch in 1955. The numbers given in the question were the telephone area codes for these three cities. Correct answer: m (30 points)
Friday, 31 July 2009
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Gissningarna var inte särskilt många på den svåra mosaikfrågan, men lösningen desto vackrare. Det hela handlade om den väldigt annorlunda tvillingstaden Baarle på gränsen mellan Belgien (gult) och Nederländerna (blått), som nog inspirerade Peyo till smurfalbumet Smurfbråk och bråksmurfar. Den belgiska delen heter Baarle-Hertog, medan den nederländska motsvarigheten heter Baarle-Nassau. En del hus i staden delas mellan städerna och därmed länderna, vilket har lett till att affärer flyttat ingången till den del som var mest gynnsam. Inuti vissa hus återfinns ett "regnbågsmönster" liknande det som användes vid Europamästerskapet i fotboll, Euro 2000, vars maskots ansikte var en ledtråd här på Klurbloggen. Rätt svar: Baa (30 poäng)
"Somewhere over the rainbow ..."
There were not that many guesses to the most difficult mosaic question, though the solution was neater than most. The abstract "painting" is a map of the very different twin city Baarle on the border between Belgium (yellow) and the Netherlands (blue). The Belgian side is called Baarle-Hertog, whereas the Dutch counterpart is referred to as Baarle-Nassau. Some houses in the city is split between the cities, and hence the countries, which once led to stores moving their entrance to benefit from certain country specific laws and regulations. Inside some stores it is possible to see a "rainbow pattern" similar to the one used at the European Championship in football, Euro 2000. The championship's mascot's face was given as a clue here at Klurbloggen. Correct answer: Baa (30 points)
"Somewhere over the rainbow ..."
There were not that many guesses to the most difficult mosaic question, though the solution was neater than most. The abstract "painting" is a map of the very different twin city Baarle on the border between Belgium (yellow) and the Netherlands (blue). The Belgian side is called Baarle-Hertog, whereas the Dutch counterpart is referred to as Baarle-Nassau. Some houses in the city is split between the cities, and hence the countries, which once led to stores moving their entrance to benefit from certain country specific laws and regulations. Inside some stores it is possible to see a "rainbow pattern" similar to the one used at the European Championship in football, Euro 2000. The championship's mascot's face was given as a clue here at Klurbloggen. Correct answer: Baa (30 points)
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Filmen Hancock om den alkoholiserade superhjälten med samma namn marknadsfördes med hjälp av olika filmaffischer där speglingen i huvudpersonens solglasögon varierade mellan olika länder. Här nedan ses versionerna som användes i USA (Los Angeles), Australien (Sydney), Tyskland (Berlin) och Sverige (Stockholm). Titeln STOCKHOLMSVY anspelar även på en av filmens manusförfattare Vy Vincent Ngo och det efterfrågade "affischnamnet" är naturligtvis Hancocks eget som kompletteras med förnamnet John, precis som den första undertecknaren av amerikanska självständighetsförklaringen. Rätt svar: John (22 poäng)
Have specs Will travel.
The movie Hancock, starring the eponymous alcoholic superhero, was marketed with the help of different movie posters where the reflection in the main character's sunglasses varied between countries. Shown above are some of the locations used in the US (Los Angeles), Australia (Sydney), Germany (Berlin), and Sweden (Stockholm). The Swedish title STOCKHOLMSVY also hints to one of the script writers, Vy Vincent Ngo, and Hancock's last name is supplemented, just like the top signature of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, by the first name John. Correct answer: John (22 points)
Have specs Will travel.
The movie Hancock, starring the eponymous alcoholic superhero, was marketed with the help of different movie posters where the reflection in the main character's sunglasses varied between countries. Shown above are some of the locations used in the US (Los Angeles), Australia (Sydney), Germany (Berlin), and Sweden (Stockholm). The Swedish title STOCKHOLMSVY also hints to one of the script writers, Vy Vincent Ngo, and Hancock's last name is supplemented, just like the top signature of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, by the first name John. Correct answer: John (22 points)
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Att som i fråga 12 tolka litteratur sägs vara en konst, men ändå undersöks Shakespeare om och om och om igen. En av de mest svårlästa tolkningarna bör dock vara Notes Towards the Complete Works of Shakespeare som skrevs av Elmo, Gum, Heather, Holly, Mistletoe och Rowan - sex celebesmakaker i Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, uppkallade efter bland annat järnek, mistel och rönn. Syftet med deras publikation var, enligt deras skötare, att få till stånd ett svar på en ofta omtalad del av kaosteorin: om man har ett oändligt antal apor framför varsin skrivmaskin, skulle de då kunna skriva ett verk som är oskiljbart från ett skrivet av Shakespeare? Svaret lät naturligtvis inte vänta på sig, även om makakerna förmodligen är lyckligt omedvetna om uppståndelsen. Inom internetkulturen får Andrej Kolmogorovs sats om oändligt antal apor anses som välspridd, men även en aktad författare som nobelpristagaren J.M. Coetzee anspelar på denna i sin roman Elizabeth Costello, vilket även nämndes i frågan. Resultatet då? Jo, efter en viss tvekan i form av ett ff producerades fem sidor text, främst bestående av bokstaven s! De citat - jjjajaajjsss, lnknnbmm och blbbbbnn - som togs från texten, som f.ö. finns tillgänglig på engelska, tyska, franska och spanska, är bland de mer begripliga. Rätt svar: Elmo (22 poäng)
"Two Bs or not two Bs, that is the question."
(N.B.: the chimp shown here is in no way related to William S.)
To interpret literature is said to be an art of its own as solvers were asked to do in question 12, yet Shakespeare endures a seemingly never-ending supply of re-interpretations. One of the most hard-to-read critiques ought to be Notes Towards the Complete Works of Shakespeare written by Elmo, Gum, Heather, Holly, Mistletoe, and Rowan - six Celebes crested macaques (Macaca nigra) in Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Devon, UK. The reason with their publication was, their handler said, to reach an answer in a much debated issue with chaos theory: if one has an infinite number of monkeys each in front of a typewriter, could they then write a piece inseparable from one written by Shakespeare? The answer came quickly, although the macaques are happily unaware of the stir they caused. Within the internet culture, the infinite monkey theorem is well-known, but even a highly regarded author as Nobel prize laureate J.M. Coetzee uses his own version of this in his novel Elizabeth Costello, which was also mentioned in the question. So what about the actual result? Well, after some hesitation expressed with an ff a total of five pages were produced, primarily consisting of the letter s! The quotes - jjjajaajjsss, lnknnbmm och blbbbbnn - taken from the text, which incidentally is available in English, German, French, and Spanish, are all excerpts of the less repetitive part. Correct answer: Elmo (22 points)
"Two Bs or not two Bs, that is the question."
(N.B.: the chimp shown here is in no way related to William S.)
To interpret literature is said to be an art of its own as solvers were asked to do in question 12, yet Shakespeare endures a seemingly never-ending supply of re-interpretations. One of the most hard-to-read critiques ought to be Notes Towards the Complete Works of Shakespeare written by Elmo, Gum, Heather, Holly, Mistletoe, and Rowan - six Celebes crested macaques (Macaca nigra) in Paignton Zoo Environmental Park, Devon, UK. The reason with their publication was, their handler said, to reach an answer in a much debated issue with chaos theory: if one has an infinite number of monkeys each in front of a typewriter, could they then write a piece inseparable from one written by Shakespeare? The answer came quickly, although the macaques are happily unaware of the stir they caused. Within the internet culture, the infinite monkey theorem is well-known, but even a highly regarded author as Nobel prize laureate J.M. Coetzee uses his own version of this in his novel Elizabeth Costello, which was also mentioned in the question. So what about the actual result? Well, after some hesitation expressed with an ff a total of five pages were produced, primarily consisting of the letter s! The quotes - jjjajaajjsss, lnknnbmm och blbbbbnn - taken from the text, which incidentally is available in English, German, French, and Spanish, are all excerpts of the less repetitive part. Correct answer: Elmo (22 points)
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Årets strikt matematiska 06. RÄKNEÖVNING hade sin beräkningsgrund i det svenska valsystemet. Även om länsbokstäverna officiellt har försvunnit ur rullorna, lever de kvar i vardagen i korsord och folkmun - och i Klurendrejeriet® såklart! Här motsvaras A av Stockholms stad (eller Stockholms kommun för att vara mer korrekt), som preliminärt tilldelades 24 fasta mandat i kommande riksdagsval. Vidare får Stockholms län (B) 36 för sin valkrets, Uppsala län (C) 11 etc. Det efterfrågade X:et står för Gävleborgs län och motsvaras nästan på romerskt vis av tio fasta mandat. Rätt svar: 10 (22 poäng)
Räkna med oss!
Count us in!
This year's strict mathematical 06. CALCULATION originated from the Swedish election system. Even though the county codes, länsbokstäver, officially no longer are in use, they persist in crosswords, the general public - an in Klurendrejeriet® of course! Here, the letter A represents the Municipality of Stockholm, which preliminary was assigned 24 of the predetermined seats in the Swedish Riksdag. The system then allots 36 seats for the County of Stockholm (B), 11 for the County of Uppsala (C), etc. The missing X is deciphered as the County of Gävleborg and gets in, a Roman-esque fashion, ten parliamentary seats. Correct answer: 10 (22 points)
Räkna med oss!
Count us in!
This year's strict mathematical 06. CALCULATION originated from the Swedish election system. Even though the county codes, länsbokstäver, officially no longer are in use, they persist in crosswords, the general public - an in Klurendrejeriet® of course! Here, the letter A represents the Municipality of Stockholm, which preliminary was assigned 24 of the predetermined seats in the Swedish Riksdag. The system then allots 36 seats for the County of Stockholm (B), 11 for the County of Uppsala (C), etc. The missing X is deciphered as the County of Gävleborg and gets in, a Roman-esque fashion, ten parliamentary seats. Correct answer: 10 (22 points)
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