De människor som tagit klivet från praktiskt taget okänd till världskänd i ett enda stort steg är förmodligen lätträknade. Det kan till och med vara så att detta tillhör en svunnen tid, men för dryga 80 år sedan lyckades en svenskättling med denna bedrift. Efter starten åtta minuter i åtta på morgonen 20 maj 1927 från New York flög Charles Lindbergh ensam i mer än 33 timmar för att landa till utanför Paris. Planet hette Spirit of St. Louis var en specialbyggd version av postplanet Ryan M-2 kallat Ryan NYP. Efter Frankrike fortsatte succéresan till en mängd andra länder som alla fick sin nationsflagga representerad på planets skrov, i tur och ordning Belgien och Storbritannien, innan en lång resa i Centralamerika och Västindien påbörjades. Idag kan man beskåda planet på Smithsonian Institute i New York. Rätt svar: Bel (18 poäng)
Ett belgiskt skrovmål?
A hell of a hull!
The number of people that have taken the giant leap from unknown till world-renown are probably easy to name. It may even be possible that this is no longer possible in this day and age, but around 80 years ago a Swedish-American managed to do just this feat. After the take-off from a small airfield outside New York eight minutes to eight in the morning of May 20, 1927, Charles Lindbergh flew alone for more than 33 hours to land outside Paris. The plane, called Spirit of St. Louis was a specially designed version of the mail delivery plane Ryan M-2 renamed Ryan NYP (New York to Paris). After the visit to France, the adventurous journey continued to a number of countries that all got their national flag painted on the hull, first Belgium then Great Britain, before a long journey to Central America and the Caribbean ended the trip. Today, the plane can be seen as part of the aviation history exhibition at the Smithsonian Institute. Rätt svar: Bel (18 points)
Friday, 6 February 2009
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Det råder inget tvivel om att fråga 19. SKORSTENSKÄNDIS stod ut i mängden "enkla" frågor - den var nämligen en av de allra svåraste! I desperata försök att se fönstermönster eller ta reda på skorstenskändisens X riktiga namn försvann fokus från gåtans efterfrågade bildmiss. Vid en närmare titt på taken till de olikfärgade husen ser man de upp-och-ner-vända bokstäverna T till Y. För bokstaven X saknas dock två av benen, vilket gör att det ljusrosa huset var det som söktes. Rätt svar: 8 (16 poäng)
Xtra svår?
X marks the spot!
There is no doubt that 19. CHIMNEY CELEB stood out among all of the "easy" questions - simply by being one of the hardest! In the midst of desperate attempts to decipher complex window patterns or finding out the chimney celeb X's real name, the focus was drawn away from the mistake in the picture. Upon closer inspection of the roofs of the coloured houses, one can see the letter T to Y pictured upside down. For the letter X, however, both "legs" are missing, making the light red house the correct answer. Correct answer: 8 (16 points)
Xtra svår?
X marks the spot!
There is no doubt that 19. CHIMNEY CELEB stood out among all of the "easy" questions - simply by being one of the hardest! In the midst of desperate attempts to decipher complex window patterns or finding out the chimney celeb X's real name, the focus was drawn away from the mistake in the picture. Upon closer inspection of the roofs of the coloured houses, one can see the letter T to Y pictured upside down. For the letter X, however, both "legs" are missing, making the light red house the correct answer. Correct answer: 8 (16 points)
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Redan 1965 kom den första versionen av GB:s glassgubbe i samband med lanseringen av en ny glassort, Pajaspinne, två år senare omdöpt till Cirkuspinne. Clownen, som fick namnet Clovve, ritades av Uno Hattling och har under senare år trist nog förekommit i en mängd brott, oftast där själva figuren stulits från en glasskiosk eller liknande inrättning, men den har även figurerat vid rena rån. De ursprungliga färgerna återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis den brittiska flaggan från anno dazumal, men möjligheten finns med tanke på landets dåvarande förkortning, GB. Sedan några år tillbaka har Clovve en ny färgkombination på vilken man kan läsa hans organiserade "liganamn": GB GLACE. Denna glassäsong står Clovve tillsammans med sin flickvän Clovina på Sveriges gator och torg, vilket kan vara slutet på den brottsliga bana som påbörjades för över 40 år sedan. Rätt svar: GB Glace (14 poäng)
Slut på busstreck?
Bad guy get girl?
Already back in 1965 the first version of the famous Swedish ice cream clown appeared when a new popsicle/creamsicle called Pajaspinne was introduced. The clown, aptly named Clovve, was designed by Uno Hattling and has unfortunately appeared in a number of crimes in the past years. Most of the time it is a theft of the actual plastic clown itself from an unsuspecting ice cream vendor, but there have been reports of robbieries as well. The originial colours does not necessarily reflect those of the old Union flag from the history books, but the possibility exists given both the country and the company uses the abbreviation GB. Every once in a while, Clovve updates his outfit where one today can read his "gang affiliation": GB GLACE. This season, Clovve has found a girlfriend, Clovina, which hopefully may bring an end to the criminal path that started over 40 years ago. Correct answer: GB Glace (14 points)
Slut på busstreck?
Bad guy get girl?
Already back in 1965 the first version of the famous Swedish ice cream clown appeared when a new popsicle/creamsicle called Pajaspinne was introduced. The clown, aptly named Clovve, was designed by Uno Hattling and has unfortunately appeared in a number of crimes in the past years. Most of the time it is a theft of the actual plastic clown itself from an unsuspecting ice cream vendor, but there have been reports of robbieries as well. The originial colours does not necessarily reflect those of the old Union flag from the history books, but the possibility exists given both the country and the company uses the abbreviation GB. Every once in a while, Clovve updates his outfit where one today can read his "gang affiliation": GB GLACE. This season, Clovve has found a girlfriend, Clovina, which hopefully may bring an end to the criminal path that started over 40 years ago. Correct answer: GB Glace (14 points)
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Ingen kan väl ha undgått den senaste ABBA-vågen som dragit världen över i samband med filmen Mamma Mia! som bygger på musikalen med samma namn. Säga vad man vill om såväl ABBAs musik som Pierce Brosnans sångkunskaper, men det är lätt att ryckas med i tonerna från förr. I filmen postar huvudpersonen Sophie tre brev, varav ett har det frimärke som visades i frågans bild. Senare träffar Sophie sina möjliga fäder, tre till antalet, på den svenskflaggade segelbåten Fernando. Båtens namn i filmen knyts till ABBA genom den sång som gruppen framförde på engelska och som dessförinnan sjungits in av Frida på svenska. Historien om själva båten, som egentligen heter Tai-Mo-Shan, skulle kunna ligga till grund för en helt egen film. Rätt svar: Fernando (11,5 poäng)
På tre ark?
Pa, pa and pa?
Nobody can have missed the latest world-encompassing ABBA revival in the wake of the movie Mamma Mia!, which is based on the musical with the same name. No matter what one thinks of the ABBA sound or even Pierce Brosnans singing skills, it is easy to find oneself tapping along in the simple but intriguing rhythm of the past. In the movie the main character Sophie mails three letter, of which one has the postage stamps shown in the question. Later, Sophie meets her possible fathers, all three of them, on the Swedish-flaggingp yacht Fernando. The name of the boat in the movie is, just like everything else, tightly linked to ABBA through the song the iconic group performed in English, and had previously been released by Frida in Swedish. The history of the real boat, with the real name Tai-Mo-Shan, could be the story of movie on its own. Correct avswer: Fernando (11.5 points)
På tre ark?
Pa, pa and pa?
Nobody can have missed the latest world-encompassing ABBA revival in the wake of the movie Mamma Mia!, which is based on the musical with the same name. No matter what one thinks of the ABBA sound or even Pierce Brosnans singing skills, it is easy to find oneself tapping along in the simple but intriguing rhythm of the past. In the movie the main character Sophie mails three letter, of which one has the postage stamps shown in the question. Later, Sophie meets her possible fathers, all three of them, on the Swedish-flaggingp yacht Fernando. The name of the boat in the movie is, just like everything else, tightly linked to ABBA through the song the iconic group performed in English, and had previously been released by Frida in Swedish. The history of the real boat, with the real name Tai-Mo-Shan, could be the story of movie on its own. Correct avswer: Fernando (11.5 points)
Hollywood trivia,
Monday, 2 February 2009
I val där man redan före valet vet namnet på vinnaren kan det faktiskt fortfarande vara viktigt att rösta - i alla fall om samtliga kandidater heter likadant! Så var fallet i samband med en reklamkampanj strax före filmen The Simpsons Movie hade premiär i USA. Bland fjorton städer i landet som heter Springfield, precis som i den tecknade serien, fördes en intensiv kampanj där den vinnande staden ligger på östkusten i Vermont, mycket tack vare deras valkampanjsfilm. Namnet Vermont kommer troligtvis från franskans les mons vert, de gröna bergen. Ledtrådsbilden i med-i-adventskalendern visar State Captiol Building i en av förlorarna, Springfield, Illinois. Rätt svar: Springfield (11,5 poäng)
Cirkeln är sluten
Donut miss it!
Even in elections where you know the name of the winner before the election may be worth voting in - at least if all the candidates have the same name. This was the case in a promotional election just before the US premiere of The Simpsons Movie. In fourteen cities all named Springfield, just like in the animated series, intensive campaigns were held where the winning city was found on the east coast in Vermont. The name Vermont is likely derived from the French les mons vert, the green mountains. The photo hint in the med-i-adventskalender shows the Illinois State Captiol in one of the losing Springfields, Springfield, IL. Correct answer: Springfield (11.5 poäng)
Cirkeln är sluten
Donut miss it!
Even in elections where you know the name of the winner before the election may be worth voting in - at least if all the candidates have the same name. This was the case in a promotional election just before the US premiere of The Simpsons Movie. In fourteen cities all named Springfield, just like in the animated series, intensive campaigns were held where the winning city was found on the east coast in Vermont. The name Vermont is likely derived from the French les mons vert, the green mountains. The photo hint in the med-i-adventskalender shows the Illinois State Captiol in one of the losing Springfields, Springfield, IL. Correct answer: Springfield (11.5 poäng)
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Som vanligt bjöd årets tändsticksfråga på en ovanlig lösning, sin enkelhet till trots. Det gällde att låta två trianglar bli fyra genom att flytta så få tändstickor som möjligt. Eftersom en nollösning är utesluten i detta fall, insåg många att svaret skulle vara minst en tändsticka - vilket också var svaret. En möjlig lösning ser ni nedan, medan ett alternativ skulle vara att skriva fyran med romerska siffror, IV. Rätt svar: 1 (10 poäng)
Stick och brinn!
A perfect match?
As usual, this year's matchstick problem offered an unusual solution, in spite of being fairly straightforward. The object was to take two triangles and make four by moving as few matches as possible. Since a null solution was out of the question, many realized that one needs to move at least one matchstick - which also turned out to be the correct solution. One possible solution is shown above, but it is also possible to write the four using Roman numerals, IV. Correct answer: 1 (10 points)
Stick och brinn!
A perfect match?
As usual, this year's matchstick problem offered an unusual solution, in spite of being fairly straightforward. The object was to take two triangles and make four by moving as few matches as possible. Since a null solution was out of the question, many realized that one needs to move at least one matchstick - which also turned out to be the correct solution. One possible solution is shown above, but it is also possible to write the four using Roman numerals, IV. Correct answer: 1 (10 points)
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