Monday, 11 June 2007

Translation of comments (part 2)

The translation services continue:

Harald Cederlund said: "I have heard a terrible rumour - that part of the Kluredrejeriet® organizing committee IS MISSING (somewhere near ASP). What does that mean for the continuation of the DOUBLE TROUBLE one might ask? It seems as if there is some kind of FRENCH-ITALIAN JOB underway and I (personally) that THAT DOES IT! If Mr. Klur does not make sure that he will be back on THE 13/12 with the 2008 edition of Klurendrejeriet®."

Mr. Klur replied: "The rumour of my disappearance is greatly exaggerated - there is no need to be concerned - but keep your seat belt fastened, because you will be taken for quite a ride before the year ends."

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