Tuesday 4 September 2007

Swedish 101 (part 3)

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Pippi on a Swedish commemorative coin (2002) for the 95th anniversary of the birth of Astrid Lindgren

There are many famous Swedes in the world, both real and fictional ones, but the first one listed in many surveys is often Astrid Lindgren's fantastic creation Pippi Longstocking (Pippi Långstrump in Swedish). Her name was taken out of the blue(?) by Astrid's 7-year old daughter Karin as she lay sick in pneumonia (1941). Pippi has since become an integral part of any given Swedish childhood, and also in many other parts of the world. Pippi's name has been used as a symbol of everything Swedish, ranging from (but not limited to) her supposed anarcho-socalist values to strong independent women. A part of understanding Swedish is thus understanding Pippi and her values, as seen through the eyes of a 9-year old girl (whether you like it or not).
(Note: This lesson in Swedish 101 has very little to do with Klurendrejeriet® mini, other than simply stating that sometimes the answer is obvious to a child, whereas grown-ups tend to complicate things!)

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