Friday 30 January 2009


I år var fråga 23. FLAGGSPEL verkligen ett flaggspel i ordets rätta bemärkelse. Under öppningsceremonin för de tjugonionde olympiska spelen som hölls i Peking i sommar i marscherade länderna inte in i bokstavsordning utan i (första tecknets) penseldragantalsordning! I vanlig ordning marscherade dock Grekland in först, men därefter kom Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Turkiet o.s.v. tills Sverige (瑞典, utläses Ruìdiǎn) vandrade in som 185:e nation. Efter Italiens trikolor kom Senegals flagga. Rätt svar: Senegal (7,5 poäng)

SEN ankomst?
Arriving late?

This year, question
23. FLAG PARADE was truly a flag parade! During the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing last summer, the countries did not march in in alphabetical order, but in the more appropriate (first character) number-of-brush-strokes order! As usual, however, Greece was leading the nations, but after that came Guniea, Guinea-Bissau, Turkey, etc. until Sweden (瑞典, pronounced Ruìdiǎn) marched in as the 185th country. After the Italian tricolore, the flag of Senegal appeared. Correct answer: Senegal (7.5 points)

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