On the English answer sheet for questions 14, 22 and 24 the accompanying instruction is "the letter written twice." Which one do you want - first, second, third, last etc - or is working out which one to put in part of the contest?
Klurendrejeriet® är en prisbelönt, årlig tävling där det gäller att ha ett gott bildsinne, navigera förbi luriga ledtrådar och söka information. Tävlingen är öppen för alla och har sedan 2006 en officiell engelsk översättning.
Klurendrejeriet® is an awarded, annual contest a good visual sense, the ability to navigate through maze-like clues and seek information is useful. The contest is open to everyone who wants to participate, where international contestants have enjoyed an official English translation since 2006.
On the English answer sheet for questions 14, 22 and 24 the accompanying instruction is "the letter written twice." Which one do you want - first, second, third, last etc - or is working out which one to put in part of the contest?
In the correct answer, there is one letter that appears twice. Write down this letter in the corresponding box.
EXAMPLE: You get the answer SWEDEN. The entry should thus be E since it's the only letter that appears twice.
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