Ett par rättelser och/eller förtydliganden kan vara på sin plats innan året tar slut:
Rättad text: 23. "Vilket lands flagga"
Förtydligande: 05. Med "normalt" avses det värde kortet motsvarar i de flesta svenska kortspel, d.v.s. ett tal mellan 1 (lågt ess) och 14 (högt ess).
Ess i fickan?
Pocket aces?
A few corrections and/or clarifications can be useful before the year comes to an end:
Corrected text: 23. "The flag of which country"
Clarification: 05. The wording "normally" refers to the value the card has in most Swedish card games, i.e. a number between 1 (low ace) and 14 (high ace).
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Billiga bubblor! (Cheap bubbles!)
Enligt SvD och DN vill svenskar ha billigt bubbel till nyår, kanske till och med Portello. Förmodligen har pengarna lagts på den senaste versionen av SAOL eller möjligen en resa till Stockholm? Hursomhelst, Klurendrejeriet® 2009 pågår ett bra tag efter nyårsfirandet, så än finns det chans att vara med. Dessutom är det gratis - billigare än så kan det inte bli! Samtliga frågor hittar du här.
Bidrar med bubblor?
Provides bubbles?
Both SvD and DN report that Swedes prefer cheap bubbles for their New Year celebrations, perhaps even Portello. The money has probably been spent on the latest edition of SAOL or perhaps a trip to Stockholm? Either way, Klurendrejeriet® 2009 will last quite a bit after the new year has arrived, so there is still plenty of time to participate. Even better, it is free of charge - cheaper than that is hard to come by! You can find all questions here.
Bidrar med bubblor?
Provides bubbles?
Both SvD and DN report that Swedes prefer cheap bubbles for their New Year celebrations, perhaps even Portello. The money has probably been spent on the latest edition of SAOL or perhaps a trip to Stockholm? Either way, Klurendrejeriet® 2009 will last quite a bit after the new year has arrived, so there is still plenty of time to participate. Even better, it is free of charge - cheaper than that is hard to come by! You can find all questions here.
Monday, 29 December 2008
Ledtrådar, del 2 (Clues, part 2)
Här kommer några fler ledtrådar:
08. Regnbågen återfinns oftast(?) på marken.
16. Regnbågen återfinns oftast(?) inte på marken.
24. Regnbågen återfinns oftast(?) en bit ovanför marken.
En hel frukt?
A whole fruit?
Here are a few more clues:
08. The rainbow is most commonly(?) found on the ground.
16. The rainbow is most commonly(?) not found on the ground.
24. The rainbow is most commonly(?) just a bit above the ground.
08. Regnbågen återfinns oftast(?) på marken.
16. Regnbågen återfinns oftast(?) inte på marken.
24. Regnbågen återfinns oftast(?) en bit ovanför marken.
En hel frukt?
A whole fruit?
Here are a few more clues:
08. The rainbow is most commonly(?) found on the ground.
16. The rainbow is most commonly(?) not found on the ground.
24. The rainbow is most commonly(?) just a bit above the ground.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Fler rättelser (More corrections)
Ytterligare några justeringar har gjorts bland frågorna 13-24:
Förtydligande: 21. Med "övergångsmetall" menas de grundämnen som klassas som sådana av IUPAC.
Metal flakes
A few more adjustments have been made among questions 13-24:
Clarification: 21. The term "transition metal" refers to those elements that are classified as such by IUPAC.
Adjusted translation: 17. ("in just one")
Förtydligande: 21. Med "övergångsmetall" menas de grundämnen som klassas som sådana av IUPAC.
Metal flakes
A few more adjustments have been made among questions 13-24:
Clarification: 21. The term "transition metal" refers to those elements that are classified as such by IUPAC.
Adjusted translation: 17. ("in just one")
Saturday, 27 December 2008
Ledtrådar, del 1 (Clues, part 1)
Efter många dagars hårt arbete har de tävlande gjort sig förtjänta av ett par ledtrådar:
01. Namnet på X ger vissa associationer till potatis.
10. "Fotografens" andra bild speglar en iögonfallande byggnad.
13. X är mindre än 13/12 km.
Håller masken?
Keeps a straight face?
After many days of hard work, the contestants have deserved a few clues:
01. The name of X gives some associations to potatoes.
10. The "photographer's" second picture mirrors a conspicuous building.
13. X is less than 13/12 km.
01. Namnet på X ger vissa associationer till potatis.
10. "Fotografens" andra bild speglar en iögonfallande byggnad.
13. X är mindre än 13/12 km.
Håller masken?
Keeps a straight face?
After many days of hard work, the contestants have deserved a few clues:
01. The name of X gives some associations to potatoes.
10. The "photographer's" second picture mirrors a conspicuous building.
13. X is less than 13/12 km.
Friday, 26 December 2008
Julfirandet redan över? (X-Mas already over)
Efter tystnad i mer än dagarna två - något som julstämningen krävde - är det snart dags att återvända till det ständiga nötknäckandet. Årets sista dagar kommer på Klurbloggen att fyllas med rättelser för fråga 13-24, ledtrådar till samtliga(?) frågor, samt den enklaste och samtidigt svåraste vägen till en finalplats: Mediabruset! Men vi börjar inte riktigt än - låt oss först sova på saken.
Dubbelt brus?
Twice the noice?
After more than two days silence - in keeping with the Yuletide tradition - it is soon high time to return to the eternal crackers. The last days of this Klurbloggen year will be filled with corrections for questions 13-24, clues to all(?) questions, and the easiest and at the same time toughest way to a seat in the final: the Media Noise! But we will not start right now - let us first sleep on it.
Dubbelt brus?
Twice the noice?
After more than two days silence - in keeping with the Yuletide tradition - it is soon high time to return to the eternal crackers. The last days of this Klurbloggen year will be filled with corrections for questions 13-24, clues to all(?) questions, and the easiest and at the same time toughest way to a seat in the final: the Media Noise! But we will not start right now - let us first sleep on it.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Vem är Sveriges farligaste brottsling? Det finns en ligisttyp som visserligen inte är helt hjärtlös, men ändå är delaktig i många typer av kriminella aktiviteter. Ett fall uppmärksammat i media var ett av det grövre slaget, men oftast rör det sig om småstölder och rån. En bidragande orsak till att denna typ fortsätter att härska över stadens gator är att signalementet inte är särskilt tydligt: vänster- eller högerhänt, förmodad tidigare hundägare, utklädd och ofta glad i hatten. Visst förstår man polisens dilemma när det gäller att hitta denna iskalla skurk? Under vilket namn går brottslingens organiserade liga (två ord, det andra har fem bokstäver)?
Bekänner färg?
Follows suit?
Who is the most dangerous criminal in Sweden? There is a hooligan who is not completely heartless, but still is accessory to many different types of criminal activities. One media covered case was one of the more serious kind, but usually it is petty theft or hold-ups. A contributing factor to the fact that this dude keeps ruling the city streets is that the description leaves much to be desired: left- or right-handed, probably previous dog owner, in disguise and often joyfully intoxicated. We can all understand the law enforcers' dilemma of finding this cold criminal, can we not? Under what name is the organized gang of this crook known (two words, the second has five letters)?
Bekänner färg?
Follows suit?
Who is the most dangerous criminal in Sweden? There is a hooligan who is not completely heartless, but still is accessory to many different types of criminal activities. One media covered case was one of the more serious kind, but usually it is petty theft or hold-ups. A contributing factor to the fact that this dude keeps ruling the city streets is that the description leaves much to be desired: left- or right-handed, probably previous dog owner, in disguise and often joyfully intoxicated. We can all understand the law enforcers' dilemma of finding this cold criminal, can we not? Under what name is the organized gang of this crook known (two words, the second has five letters)?
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Årets svenska julgran är fylld med silverglitter och flaggor. Ta en titt på den mittersta flaggraden. Vilket lands flagga borde komma efter den italienska?
"Du gamla du fria ..."
Our Swedish X-Mas tree is filled with silver glitter and flags. Take a closer look at the middle row of flags. The flag of which country should come after the Italian one?
"Du gamla du fria ..."
Our Swedish X-Mas tree is filled with silver glitter and flags. Take a closer look at the middle row of flags. The flag of which country should come after the Italian one?
Monday, 22 December 2008
Detta frimärke med ortodoxt motiv här nedan har du säkert sett, även om affischernas juldekorationer är i vägen. Det skickades samtidigt som fyra andra frimärken av ungefär samma billiga valör, har ryktet visst spritts. Huruvida avsändaren är så smart kan ifrågasättas med tanke på de felaktiga adresserna, men rätt brev kom hursomhelst fram till rätt ”patriark”. Dessa patriarker och avsändaren samlades efter en tid på samma plats, döpt efter en gitarrist och revolutionshjälte(?), inte långt från det plats breven skickades. Vad heter gitarristen (åtta bokstäver)?
You have probably seen this stamp with its Orthodox motif already, even though the billboard X-Mas tree decorations are covering it. Rumour has it that it was sent at the same time with four other stamps of roughly the same cheap face value. Whether the sender is all that bright can be questioned given the erroneous addresses, but each letter reached the its intended ”patriarch”. These patriarchs and the sender gathered after some time on the same place, named after a guitarist and revolutionary hero(?), not far from the spot the letters were mailed. What is the name of the guitarist (eight letters)?
You have probably seen this stamp with its Orthodox motif already, even though the billboard X-Mas tree decorations are covering it. Rumour has it that it was sent at the same time with four other stamps of roughly the same cheap face value. Whether the sender is all that bright can be questioned given the erroneous addresses, but each letter reached the its intended ”patriarch”. These patriarchs and the sender gathered after some time on the same place, named after a guitarist and revolutionary hero(?), not far from the spot the letters were mailed. What is the name of the guitarist (eight letters)?
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Saturday, 20 December 2008
Friday, 19 December 2008
En stjärnklar natt delar vår rödklädda, skäggbeprydda skorstenskändis X ut paket. När han kommer till huvudstaden lägger han dock märke till att något inte är som det skall vid ett av stadens höghus (ljusblått, ljusrosa, vinrött, grönt, gult, orange). Vilket? Skriv ner antalet bokstäver i färgen för det eftersökta huset.
A starry night our red-dressed, bearded chimney celeb X is delivering packages. When he comes to the capital, he notices that something out of the ordinary at one of the city’s skyscrapers (light blue, light red, wine red, green, gold, orange). Which one? Write down the number of letters in the house colour we are looking for.
A starry night our red-dressed, bearded chimney celeb X is delivering packages. When he comes to the capital, he notices that something out of the ordinary at one of the city’s skyscrapers (light blue, light red, wine red, green, gold, orange). Which one? Write down the number of letters in the house colour we are looking for.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Rättelser (Corrections)
Efter en noggrann kontroll av fråga 01-12 har några felaktigheter och otydligheter upptäckts och rättats. Dessa är:
Rättad text: 06. ("de senaste"), 12. ("i andra media")
After a careful check of questions 01-12, a few errors have been detected and corrected. They are:
Corrected text: 06. ("the latest one"), 12. ("in other types of media")
Adjusted translation: 01. ("cropped picture"), 02. ("in connection to"), 10. ("your own work"), 11. ("carefully")
Rättad text: 06. ("de senaste"), 12. ("i andra media")
After a careful check of questions 01-12, a few errors have been detected and corrected. They are:
Corrected text: 06. ("the latest one"), 12. ("in other types of media")
Adjusted translation: 01. ("cropped picture"), 02. ("in connection to"), 10. ("your own work"), 11. ("carefully")
Det var inte första gången det hände, snarare tvärtom, men fick väldigt stor betydelse för landets framtid. Skådeplatsen finns bevarad och vi får verkligen hoppas att detta inte händer igen. Vi ser här en del av efterdyningarna svart på vitt, även om originalet förmodligen är inverterat. Det har långt senare meddelats från ett helt annat håll att där blått och grönt möts blir det ljusrött. Media upprepade historien ännu en gång när huvudpersonen fick ett hedersvärt slut mellan två ”bilmärken” och blev på detta sätt historisk på nytt. Vilket fyrsiffrigt tal förknippas med skådeplatsen? Lägg ihop de två udda siffrorna i det talet och skriv ner summan.
"... in a rich man's world."
It was not the first time it happened, rather the opposite, but it had a great impact on the future of the country. The scene of action has been preserved and we truly hope that this does not happen again. Above, we can see some of the aftermath black on white, even though the original probably is inverted. There have been reports from a completely different location that where blue and green meet we get light red. Media repeated the history once again when the main character got an honorable ending between two ”car brands” and once again made history. Which four-digit number is closely tied to the scene of action? Add the two odd digits in that number and write down the sum.
"... in a rich man's world."
It was not the first time it happened, rather the opposite, but it had a great impact on the future of the country. The scene of action has been preserved and we truly hope that this does not happen again. Above, we can see some of the aftermath black on white, even though the original probably is inverted. There have been reports from a completely different location that where blue and green meet we get light red. Media repeated the history once again when the main character got an honorable ending between two ”car brands” and once again made history. Which four-digit number is closely tied to the scene of action? Add the two odd digits in that number and write down the sum.
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Det naturliga urvalet har väl aldrig exemplifierats mer tydligt än i dagens fråga: i en och samma delikatess återfinns variation i form, specialisering, men alltid den speciella "symbiosen". Att detta har gett upphov till till spaltmeter i all slags media är alltså inte så konstigt, åtminstone inte lika udda som dikten med samma namn (citat: "Se hur ..."). Udda, eller minst sagt knivig, är även delikatessens ursprung, men det är väl numera ställt bortom allt tvivel. Anteckna den första och andra bokstaven i namnet.
Har han hatt eller fått?
Has he hat or got?
The natural selection has probably never been more obsiously exemplified than in today's question: in just one delicatessen we can find variation in form, specialization but always that special "symbiosis". That this have generated lots of media attention is thus not that strange, at least not as odd as the poem with the same name (quote: "Se hur ..."). Odd, to say the least, is also the origins of the delicatessen, but it should now be solved beyond any doubt. Write down the first and second letter in the name.
Har han hatt eller fått?
Has he hat or got?
The natural selection has probably never been more obsiously exemplified than in today's question: in just one delicatessen we can find variation in form, specialization but always that special "symbiosis". That this have generated lots of media attention is thus not that strange, at least not as odd as the poem with the same name (quote: "Se hur ..."). Odd, to say the least, is also the origins of the delicatessen, but it should now be solved beyond any doubt. Write down the first and second letter in the name.
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Hur fashionabel och vacker ska man bli för att bli kallad "guilli-guilli" (gulligullig) i Skåne? Eller är det C i början av orden? Vi ska inte göra för stor affär av dessa regnbågsstreck, även om de är enfärgade här, men de måste hursomhelst ställas i ordning. När det är gjort, hur lyder det färdigställda ordet?
Fönster i XL?
Windows in XL?
How beautiful and fashionable do you have to be to be referred to as "guilli-guilli" (cutsie cute) in Scania? Or is it a C in the beginning of the words? We shall not drive this matter with the rainbow stripes too far, even though they are monochromatic here, but they have to be put in order. Once this has been done, which word is then ready-to-be-used?
Fönster i XL?
Windows in XL?
How beautiful and fashionable do you have to be to be referred to as "guilli-guilli" (cutsie cute) in Scania? Or is it a C in the beginning of the words? We shall not drive this matter with the rainbow stripes too far, even though they are monochromatic here, but they have to be put in order. Once this has been done, which word is then ready-to-be-used?
Monday, 15 December 2008
Med sitt gåtfulla leende är hon en rätt vacker skapelse, den röda Mona Lisan. Den övre högra delen av konstverket kan ses i bilden nedan. Även om vi kallar henne Mona Lisa, vet vi varken hennes eller konstnärens namn, men det kan inte finnas alltför många som målar damer med samma teknik. Hon är så vitt vi vet fortfarande placerad mellan de två färggranna burfåglarna och i närheten av minst ett stilleben. Vad håller Mona Lisa i sin hand (tre ord, tolv bokstäver)?
Run to the hills?
Hög förväntan?
With her mysterious smile she is a pretty beautiful creation, the red Mona Lisa. The upper right part of the artwork can be seen in the picture above. Even though we call her Mona Lisa, we do not know her or the artist’s name, but there cannot be that many who paint ladies with the same technique. As far as we know, she is still placed between the two colourful caged birds and in the vicinity of at least one stillife. What is Mona Lisa holding in her hand (three words, twelve letters)?
Run to the hills?
Hög förväntan?
With her mysterious smile she is a pretty beautiful creation, the red Mona Lisa. The upper right part of the artwork can be seen in the picture above. Even though we call her Mona Lisa, we do not know her or the artist’s name, but there cannot be that many who paint ladies with the same technique. As far as we know, she is still placed between the two colourful caged birds and in the vicinity of at least one stillife. What is Mona Lisa holding in her hand (three words, twelve letters)?
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Är det någon vits att hålla ett val där man redan vet vem som kommer att vinna? Förmodligen inte, men det hindrar inte att segraren i denna öststat stolt proklamerades som landets utvalda - trots ett verkligt stöd av enbart 14 % av rösterna enligt en amerikansk valobservatör. De massprotester man kan se på filmen om valet är helt plötsligt förståeliga, eller hur? Och anspelar valaffischernas "VIE" möjligen på statens franska kolonialband? Hursomhelst, vi vet att antalet röster på vinnaren nästan var dubbelt så många som det aktuella invånarantalet - ändå brydde sig ingen om att göra någon stor nyhet av detta udda faktum. Vad heter segraren i detta val (elva bokstäver)?
Vinnare eller förlorare?
Winner or loser?
Is there any real reason to hold an election if you already know who will be victorious? Probably not, but that does not stop the winner in this Eastern state to be proudly proclaimed as the one chosen by the country - in spite of a true support of a mere 14 % of the votes according to an US election observer. The mass protests that can be seen on election footage is all of a sudden understandable, right? And could the "VIE" on the election posters possibly hint to the French colonial connections of the state? Anyway, we do know that the number of votes cast on the winner were almost twice the current number of inhabitants - yet no one bothered to make a news story about this odd fact. What is the name of the winner in this election (eleven letters)?
Vinnare eller förlorare?
Winner or loser?
Is there any real reason to hold an election if you already know who will be victorious? Probably not, but that does not stop the winner in this Eastern state to be proudly proclaimed as the one chosen by the country - in spite of a true support of a mere 14 % of the votes according to an US election observer. The mass protests that can be seen on election footage is all of a sudden understandable, right? And could the "VIE" on the election posters possibly hint to the French colonial connections of the state? Anyway, we do know that the number of votes cast on the winner were almost twice the current number of inhabitants - yet no one bothered to make a news story about this odd fact. What is the name of the winner in this election (eleven letters)?
Saturday, 13 December 2008
13. DEN 13/12 (13. THE 13/12)
Bilden nedan förknippas med två namn som börjar på samma bokstav (fyra bokstäver respektive femton bokstäver). Vilket är det kortare av de två?
The picture above is connected to two names starting on the same letter (four and fifteen letters, respectively). Which is the shorter of the two?
The picture above is connected to two names starting on the same letter (four and fifteen letters, respectively). Which is the shorter of the two?
Friday, 12 December 2008
Kritiken lyser starkt på en av de mest kända författarna – jjjajaajjsss – men ignoreras till stor del av både de vetenskapliga och kulturella kretsarna. Varför kan man bara fråga sig, men möjligen är det avundsjuka som ligger bakom detta beslut. Det torde dock vara klart att detta arbete – lnknnbmm – inte kommer att resultera i något Nobelpris, men vad gör väl det? En av Nobelpristagarna i litteratur från 2000-talet har ju trots allt skrivit fenomenet om det i en roman året efter kritiken publicerades – blbbbbnn – vilket kan vara mer än bara ett sammanträffande. Naturligtvis har även andra liknande röster hörts i andra media. Kritikens författare står nämnda i bokstavsordning – vem står först?
Fotnot: Nobelpristagaren skrev sin roman samma år som priset delades ut, så Svenska akademin tog nog ingen hänsyn till den i sin motivering.
The critique shines brightly on one of the most well-known authors - jjjajaajjsss - yet it is ignored by a large part of both the scientific and cultural community. Why one may wonder, but perhaps there is some kind of jealousy in this decision. It should be obvious, however, that this work - lnknnbmm - will not result in any Nobel Prize, but does anyone care? After all, one of the 21st Century Nobel Laureates in Literature has written about the phenomenon in a novel a year after the critique was published - blbbbbnn - which may be more than just a coincidence. Naturally, other similar opinions have been heard in other types of media. The authors of the critique are named in alphabetical order - who is listed first?
Footnote: The Nobel Prize Laureate wrote the mentioned novel the same year as the prize was awarded, so the Swedish Academy probably did not take it into account in its official citation.
Fotnot: Nobelpristagaren skrev sin roman samma år som priset delades ut, så Svenska akademin tog nog ingen hänsyn till den i sin motivering.
The critique shines brightly on one of the most well-known authors - jjjajaajjsss - yet it is ignored by a large part of both the scientific and cultural community. Why one may wonder, but perhaps there is some kind of jealousy in this decision. It should be obvious, however, that this work - lnknnbmm - will not result in any Nobel Prize, but does anyone care? After all, one of the 21st Century Nobel Laureates in Literature has written about the phenomenon in a novel a year after the critique was published - blbbbbnn - which may be more than just a coincidence. Naturally, other similar opinions have been heard in other types of media. The authors of the critique are named in alphabetical order - who is listed first?
Footnote: The Nobel Prize Laureate wrote the mentioned novel the same year as the prize was awarded, so the Swedish Academy probably did not take it into account in its official citation.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Vilket är svenska språkets mest fulländade ord? Följer man senaste nytt från Svenska akademiens ordlista (SAOL), råder det ingen tvekan om att det ord vi söker här är en god kandidat. Det är ett högst besynnerligt ord av flera olika anledningar: 1) tre (eller fyra om man så vill!) på varandra följande bokstäver i ordet har samma "ljudvärde", där den andra av dessa är (till hälften) självrefererande till den senare delen av ordet, 2) det skrivs med sju, åtta eller tio olika bokstäver beroende på hur noga man räknar och 3) stod inte med i SAOL XII, trots att det har existerat sedan 1920-talet! Vilken bokstav slutar ordet på?
Fotnot: När vi säger "svenska språket" och "senaste nytt från Svenska akademiens ordlista" avser vi Svenska akademiens ordlista 13:e upplagan (SAOL XIII).
Which is the most complete word in the Swedish language? If one follows the latest news coming from Svenska akademiens ordlista (SAOL), there is no doubt about it that the word we are looking for here is a prime candidate. It is a most peculiar word for several reasons: 1) three (or four if you wish!) consecutive letters in the word have the same "sound value", where the second of these is (semi)self-referencing to the latter part of the word, 2) it is spelled with seven, eight or ten different letters depending on how carefully one counts, and 3) it was not listed in SAOL XII, in spite of the fact that it has existed since the 1920's. Which letter does the word end on?
Footnote: When we say "the Swedish language" and "the latest news from Svenska akademiens ordlista" we mean Svenska akademiens ordlista 13th edition (SAOL XIII).
Fotnot: När vi säger "svenska språket" och "senaste nytt från Svenska akademiens ordlista" avser vi Svenska akademiens ordlista 13:e upplagan (SAOL XIII).
Which is the most complete word in the Swedish language? If one follows the latest news coming from Svenska akademiens ordlista (SAOL), there is no doubt about it that the word we are looking for here is a prime candidate. It is a most peculiar word for several reasons: 1) three (or four if you wish!) consecutive letters in the word have the same "sound value", where the second of these is (semi)self-referencing to the latter part of the word, 2) it is spelled with seven, eight or ten different letters depending on how carefully one counts, and 3) it was not listed in SAOL XII, in spite of the fact that it has existed since the 1920's. Which letter does the word end on?
Footnote: When we say "the Swedish language" and "the latest news from Svenska akademiens ordlista" we mean Svenska akademiens ordlista 13th edition (SAOL XIII).
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
Dagen till ära rapporterar vi från Stadshuset om ett besök av det mer udda slaget. "Fotografen" är väl inte särskilt omtyckt, men vad gör det då man själv tycker om sina egna verk? Fotografens efternamn är ett känt affischnamn, men hur lyder förnamnet?
CSI: Stockholm?
To honor this day, we report straight from Stockholm City Hall about a visit out of the ordinary. The "photographer" is not particularly popular, but why would that matter when you like your own work? The photographer's last name is well-known, but do you know the first name?
CSI: Stockholm?
To honor this day, we report straight from Stockholm City Hall about a visit out of the ordinary. The "photographer" is not particularly popular, but why would that matter when you like your own work? The photographer's last name is well-known, but do you know the first name?
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Visst har du sett den rödvita logotypen vars versala C vi ser en del av här nedan? Den syns flitigt i tv och tidningar (C eller CC), kanske särskilt under vinterhalvåret. Logotypen består av ett namn på åtta bokstäver som känns igen i hela världen. Drycken som bär logotypens namn innehar en dominerande ställning i Sverige, men det kanske inte är så konstigt då den har mer än hundra år på nacken. Och eftersom det är svårt att överge en tradition lär nog försäljningssiffrorna för december månad även i år skilja sig från övriga året, den nya förpackningen till trots. Vilken är den sjätte bokstaven i logotypens namn?
Farligt begär?
Dangerous desire?
Surely you must have seen the red-and-white logotype with its capital C we can see a part of here (above)? It is shown frequently on tv and in magazines (C or CC), perhaps more often during the winter season. The logotype consists of a name with eight letters which is recognized all over the world. The beverage that carries the logotype's name has a dominant market share in Sweden, but that should not be that surprising, since it has been around for more than a hundred years. And since it is hard to abandon a tradition, the sales numbers for the month of December of this year will probably differ from the rest of the year as well, in spite of the new packaging. What is the sixth letter in the logotype's name?
Farligt begär?
Dangerous desire?
Surely you must have seen the red-and-white logotype with its capital C we can see a part of here (above)? It is shown frequently on tv and in magazines (C or CC), perhaps more often during the winter season. The logotype consists of a name with eight letters which is recognized all over the world. The beverage that carries the logotype's name has a dominant market share in Sweden, but that should not be that surprising, since it has been around for more than a hundred years. And since it is hard to abandon a tradition, the sales numbers for the month of December of this year will probably differ from the rest of the year as well, in spite of the new packaging. What is the sixth letter in the logotype's name?
Monday, 8 December 2008
Vad skall detta föreställa? Det är ingen Pollock eller Malevich, snarare en Mondrian eller möjligen en Dillemans. Men i verkligheten är det naturligtvis någonting helt annat - men vad? Benämningarna går delvis isär, men första delen är alltid densamma. Vad kallas detta konststycke med ett gemensamt namn? Skriv ned de tre första bokstäverna i benämningen.
What is this supposed to be? It is not a Pollock or Malevich, rather a Mondrian or possibly a Dilleman. But in reality it is something completely different - but what? The designations are slightly deviating, but the first part is always the same. What is this piece of art collectively called? Write down the first three letters in the designation.
What is this supposed to be? It is not a Pollock or Malevich, rather a Mondrian or possibly a Dilleman. But in reality it is something completely different - but what? The designations are slightly deviating, but the first part is always the same. What is this piece of art collectively called? Write down the first three letters in the designation.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Regel: Välj 6 frågor (Rule: Choose 6 questions)
Med sju frågor publicerade har det blivit dags för den första regeln i Klurendrejeriet® 2009:
Välj 6 av 24!
Pick 6 of 24!
With seven questions published it is time for the first rule in Klurendrejeriet® 2009:
"URVAL: Av tävlingens tjugofyra frågor skall du välja ut sex (6) stycken att besvara när du skickar in din lösning. Alla besvarade frågor rangordnas sedan efter antalet korrekta svar bland samtliga deltagare och poängsätts enligt en fallande skala, där de tävlande med högst totalsumma för sina sex svar kommer till final. Om en eller flera frågor ej valts av någon deltagare alls räknas dessa som svårast. Felaktiga svar medför inte några poängavdrag, men kommer att användas för att särskilja frågor med lika många rätta svar (ju fler felaktiga svar, desto svårare anses frågan vara). Om det fortfarande inte går att skilja frågorna åt, delas poängen lika mellan dessa frågor."
Välj 6 av 24!
Pick 6 of 24!
With seven questions published it is time for the first rule in Klurendrejeriet® 2009:
"SELECTION: Among the twenty-four questions in the contest, choose any six (6) when sending in your solution. All questions answered among all contestants are ranked with a descending value, where the finalists will be the ones with highest total sum for their six answers. If one or more questions have not been chosen by any participant, those questions will be ranked highest. Incorrect answers will not result in point deductions, but will be used to separate questions with the same number of correct answers (the more incorrect answers submitted, the harder the question). If there is still a tie, the points are distributed equally among the questions in question."
Dags att fyra av en tändsticksfråga! Vilket är det minsta antal tändstickor man behöver flytta för att få dessa två trianglar att bli fyra (utan extra hjälpmedel)?
Time to set up a perfect match for you! What is the lowest number of matches one needs to move to make these two become four (without additional items)?
Time to set up a perfect match for you! What is the lowest number of matches one needs to move to make these two become four (without additional items)?
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Nedanstående siffror kan variera något beroende på tolkning och tidpunkt. Här rapporterar vi de senaste enligt gällande "fasta regler", även om bokstäverna kan anses lite föråldrade. O är alltför komplex för att beräkna, men vilket värde skall X motsvara?
I = Ö?
The numbers above may vary depending on interpretation and point in time. Here, we report the latest ones following the "permanent rules", even though the letters themselves may be viewed as a bit old. O is much too complex to list, but which value corresponds for X?
I = Ö?
The numbers above may vary depending on interpretation and point in time. Here, we report the latest ones following the "permanent rules", even though the letters themselves may be viewed as a bit old. O is much too complex to list, but which value corresponds for X?
Friday, 5 December 2008
Har du sett snabbmatssymbolen där bokstäver symboliserar en färsbit mellan två brödhalvor? Vi har hittat ett något förfallet exemplar (nedan) där några av bokstäverna har fallit bort och en del som är kvar har hamnat på fel ställe. Vilket spelkort förknippas med det nedre av de två orden? Skriv ner det värde som kortet normalt motsvarar.
Have you seen the fast food symbol where letters symbolize a beef patty between two bun halves? We have found a deteriorated sign (above) where a few of the letters have fallen off and some of the remaining ones have been misplaced. Which playing card is linked to the lower of the two words? Write down the face value normally associated with that card.
Have you seen the fast food symbol where letters symbolize a beef patty between two bun halves? We have found a deteriorated sign (above) where a few of the letters have fallen off and some of the remaining ones have been misplaced. Which playing card is linked to the lower of the two words? Write down the face value normally associated with that card.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
Trots att juletiden tillhandahåller många speciella drycker är Robin Hoodini (född i Skottland) inte särskilt intresserad. Istället är Robin förtjust i kylskåpskall Portello på standardflaska (33 cl) och läskar sig så mycket det går. Idag har Robin 135 kronor på fickan och undrar hur många flaskor som maximalt kan köpas för detta kapital om en flaska Portello kostar 2,98 kronor (inklusive pant)?
Dags för påfyllning?
Refill anyone?
Even though Yuletide brings a variety of beverages, Robin Hoodini (born in Scotland) could care less. Instead, Robin is fond of fridge chilled Portello in 33 cl standard bottles and drinks as much as is possible. Today, Robin has 135 Swedish crowns and wonders how many bottles that at maximum can be bought if one bottle costs 2.98 Swedish crowns (including bottle deposit)?
Dags för påfyllning?
Refill anyone?
Even though Yuletide brings a variety of beverages, Robin Hoodini (born in Scotland) could care less. Instead, Robin is fond of fridge chilled Portello in 33 cl standard bottles and drinks as much as is possible. Today, Robin has 135 Swedish crowns and wonders how many bottles that at maximum can be bought if one bottle costs 2.98 Swedish crowns (including bottle deposit)?
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Bilden nedan får representera situationen i landet idag: "den krönte" sitter tryggt på sin tron i många år till oavsett hur media samtidigt försöker svänga och redovisa opinionen. Andra medier försökte för en tid sedan slå mynt av de upprörda känslor i samband med en förändring av sällan skådat slag. Förändringen kom kanske inte som en chock för just den krönte med tanke på hans "turkiska" ursprung. Vilket år föddes han?
Markvärdigt mynt?
Remarkable coin?
The picture above can represent the situation in the country today: "the crowned one" sits safely on his throne for many years regardless how media tries to twist and turn the public opinion while it is reporting it at the same time. Other media tried to strike gold using the upset feelings in connection to a recent change of almost unseen proportions. The change may not have been that much of a shock for the crowned one, given his "Turkish" birthplace. Which year was he born?
Markvärdigt mynt?
Remarkable coin?
The picture above can represent the situation in the country today: "the crowned one" sits safely on his throne for many years regardless how media tries to twist and turn the public opinion while it is reporting it at the same time. Other media tried to strike gold using the upset feelings in connection to a recent change of almost unseen proportions. The change may not have been that much of a shock for the crowned one, given his "Turkish" birthplace. Which year was he born?
Monday, 1 December 2008
Känner du till den klämkäcka lintotten X i den beskurna bilden nedan? Bilden visar ett tydligt exempel på den militäriska "disciplin" som följer X genom livet, ofta tillsammans med sin kompis (X-4), så även här. De båda trånar efter den bedårande _ra, som för övrigt arbetar hos de tidigare nämndas överordnade. Anteckna lintottens fullständiga namn.
Korv och potatis?
General nuisance?
Do you recognize the total towhead X in the cropped picture above? It shows a typical example of the military "discipline" that X follows through life, often together with his friend (X-4). The two yearn for the enchanting _ra, who, by the way, works for the superior of the previously mentioned pair. Write down the complete name of the towhead.
Korv och potatis?
General nuisance?
Do you recognize the total towhead X in the cropped picture above? It shows a typical example of the military "discipline" that X follows through life, often together with his friend (X-4). The two yearn for the enchanting _ra, who, by the way, works for the superior of the previously mentioned pair. Write down the complete name of the towhead.
Klurendrejeriet 2009
Nu slås portarna upp för Klurendrejeriet® 2009! I årets adventskalender presenteras en gåta dagligen vid lunchtid (svensk tid) som förhoppningsvis både är utmanande och informativ. Efter den fullbordade adventskalendern erbjuds sedan lite extra betänketid för att till sist avslutas med en final i Uppsala i vanlig ordning. Tävlingens sponsorer, regler och finstilta text presenteras lite efterhand och kommer att sammanfattas med jämna mellanrum. Kort sagt: Det finns ingen anledning att invänta julen när man kan ha roligt redan nu! Och när vi säger nu, menar vi vid lunchtid - varje dag hela december. Kom dock ihåg: Ingen kan allt, men alla kan något!
7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - START!
It is high time to open the gates to Klurendrejeriet® 2009! This year's advent calendar will offer one question per day (served at lunch time, CET) which hopefully offers both a challenge and information. After the calendar is complete, extra time will be provided until the competition will end in a grand finale in Uppsala as usual. The sponsors and rules of the contest will be presented as we go along but also summarized frequently enough. In brief: There is no real reason to wait for X-Mas when we can have fun now! And when we say now, we mean at lunch time - every day in December. But, remember this fair warning: No one knows everything, but everyone knows something!
7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - START!
It is high time to open the gates to Klurendrejeriet® 2009! This year's advent calendar will offer one question per day (served at lunch time, CET) which hopefully offers both a challenge and information. After the calendar is complete, extra time will be provided until the competition will end in a grand finale in Uppsala as usual. The sponsors and rules of the contest will be presented as we go along but also summarized frequently enough. In brief: There is no real reason to wait for X-Mas when we can have fun now! And when we say now, we mean at lunch time - every day in December. But, remember this fair warning: No one knows everything, but everyone knows something!
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