Tuesday 1 January 2008

Rättelser - del 5 (Corrections - part 5)

En del tryckfel har upptäckts i den engelska versionens regler som inte har någon större betydelse för tävlingen, men som meddelas här nedan för att undanröja eventuella misstolkningar. Ändringarna kommer att inkluderas i eventuella framtida versioner av denna tävling.

A few typos have been discovered in the
English version of the Rules that do not alter the contest, but are listed below to remove all doubts that may be inferred due to them. These changes will be included in future versions, if released.

[Point value]: "... how hard it really ..." & "... a finalist cannot ..."
Rules [Guaranteed final seat]: "... you have a chance to ..." & "... as previously described."
Rules [Extrachansen]: "Submit your answer ..."
Rules [Award ceremony]: "... one must be present and participate in ..."
Rules [Journey to the Unknown]: "... (question 8) ..." & "Send in your answer ..."

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