Vi i tävlingsledningen vill önska alla klurendrejare ett gott nytt år! Detta gör vi med glädje eftersom besöksantalet ökat med över 50% från ifjol.
We would like to wish all our quizzers a happy new year! An increase with 50% from last year (measuring only December) has already made Klurendrejeriet(TM) more successful than ever!
Sunday, 31 December 2006
Saturday, 30 December 2006
Indiskt besök på Klurendrejeriet (Indian visitor)
Tidigt idag fick Ultunesaren och Klurendrejeriet 2007 långväga besök: Indien! Denna spridning är naturligtvis mycket uppskattad och tävlingen har därmed fått en deltagare från ytterligare en kontinent. Asiens första besök läggs till de ännu så länge besökstätare Europa (99%), Nordamerika (½%) och Australien (½%).
Early this morning, both Ultunesaren and Klurendrejeriet 2007 got an electronic knock on the door from a distant visitor: India! The word spreads fast and this is much appreciated, adding yet another continent to the list. Asia's first visit still has a long way to go to catch up with Europe (99%), but may surpass North America and Australia (both ½%) if the interest grows.
Early this morning, both Ultunesaren and Klurendrejeriet 2007 got an electronic knock on the door from a distant visitor: India! The word spreads fast and this is much appreciated, adding yet another continent to the list. Asia's first visit still has a long way to go to catch up with Europe (99%), but may surpass North America and Australia (both ½%) if the interest grows.
Friday, 29 December 2006
Ultunesaren utdelad (Ultunesaren delivered)
Nu är samtliga gratisexemplar av Ultunesaren utdelade och tävlingsredaktionen kan tyvärr inte längre lova att skicka en kopia, men det kan hända att ett par exemplar blir tillgängliga inom kort. För att ställa dig i kö på ett eventuellt restexemplar, vänligen skicka ett e-brev till Ultunesaren (besök hemsidan för adressen).
All free copies of Ultunesaren are now handed out and the contest staff will most likely not be able to send out any more complimentary magazines. In the case that additional copies become available once again and you would like to reserve one, please send an e-mail to Ultunesaren (visit the homepage for the e-mail address).
All free copies of Ultunesaren are now handed out and the contest staff will most likely not be able to send out any more complimentary magazines. In the case that additional copies become available once again and you would like to reserve one, please send an e-mail to Ultunesaren (visit the homepage for the e-mail address).
Thursday, 28 December 2006
Tystnaden bruten (Silence broken)
Många har hört av och undrat varför inte något meddelande sattes upp på Klurbloggen igår. Visst fanns det ett meddelande, men det var bara aktivt en timme! Efter det togs det bort, då det avslöjade alldeles för mycket! För att detta inte skall upprepas går numera samtliga meddelanden genom en extra säkerhetskontroll innan de släpps upp på Klurbloggens sida. Det borttagna meddelandet går dessutom att läsa i censurerad form (datumet justerat så att det hamnar rätt).
Many quizzers have contected us and wondered why there was no posting yesterday on Klurbloggen. Sure, there was a message, but it was only active for an hour! After that,it was removed since it revealed too much! To prevent this from happening again, from now on messages will pass through an extra check before they are posted on the blog. A censored version of the removed message is now available (date adjusted for chronological reasons).
Many quizzers have contected us and wondered why there was no posting yesterday on Klurbloggen. Sure, there was a message, but it was only active for an hour! After that,it was removed since it revealed too much! To prevent this from happening again, from now on messages will pass through an extra check before they are posted on the blog. A censored version of the removed message is now available (date adjusted for chronological reasons).
Wednesday, 27 December 2006
Fråga XX (Question XX)
Så här xxxxx xx xxxx fråga XX: det är xxxxx ord xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx varje xxxxxxxx.
Here is how xxx xxxxx question XX: it is xxx xxxx word xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxx every xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Here is how xxx xxxxx question XX: it is xxx xxxx word xxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxx every xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
Nya länder (New Countries!)
Vi har tidigare rapporterat att Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 har haft många besökare från Tyskland och Finland. Nu har gäster från ytterligare länder varit besökare på tävlingssidan. De senaste bidragen är Slovenien, Mexiko och Irland!
We have reported eariler that Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 have had many visitors from germany and Finland. Now a few more countries have joined, where the latest additions are: Slovenia, Mexico and Ireland!
We have reported eariler that Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 have had many visitors from germany and Finland. Now a few more countries have joined, where the latest additions are: Slovenia, Mexico and Ireland!
Monday, 25 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets sponsorer: SAS
SAS är en av huvudsponsorerna i Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007. Bolaget fokuserar sitt arbete på service och tillgänglighet, där nonstopflyg till och från huvudflygplatserna i Stockholm och Köpenhamn är en självklar del. SAS trafikerar alla stora flygplatser i Europa och som en av grundarna i samarbetsorganet Star Alliance når SAS även de delar av världen som bolaget inte flyger till själv. I den närmaste kretsen återfinns även regionala bolag, däribland Blue1 och airBaltic. Boka gärna din resa på
SAS is one of the main sponsors in Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007. The company focuses on service and availability, where non-stop flights to and from the main airports in Stockholm and Copenhagen is a central part. SAS flies to all main airports in Europe and as one of the founders of Star Alliance, SAS reaches destinations the airline does not fly to by itself. Closely connected to SAS we also find other regional airlines, such as Blue1 and airBaltic. To book a trip, please visit
SAS is one of the main sponsors in Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007. The company focuses on service and availability, where non-stop flights to and from the main airports in Stockholm and Copenhagen is a central part. SAS flies to all main airports in Europe and as one of the founders of Star Alliance, SAS reaches destinations the airline does not fly to by itself. Closely connected to SAS we also find other regional airlines, such as Blue1 and airBaltic. To book a trip, please visit
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender avslutad!
Även om adventskalendern är avslutad, fortsätter naturligtvis Klurbloggen att leva. Titta gärna in för det allra senaste vad gäller Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007.
Even if the X-Mas Calendar is over for this year, Klurbloggen will continue to live its own life. Feel free to stop by for the latest news regarding Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007.
Even if the X-Mas Calendar is over for this year, Klurbloggen will continue to live its own life. Feel free to stop by for the latest news regarding Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007.
Sunday, 24 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
God jul på er allihopa! Säg mig, är jag den mest kända?
Ho-ho-ho! Merry X-mas everybody! Tell me, am I the most famous one?
Ho-ho-ho! Merry X-mas everybody! Tell me, am I the most famous one?
Besöksupdate! (Visitor Update!)
Att tävlingssidans besökare främst är från Sverige är knappast någon nyhet, men det kanske årets stora ökning bland de finska och tyska deltagarna är. Fördelningen sedan starten för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 är i skrivande stund denna: Sverige 68%, Finland 16%, Tyskland 10%, Storbritannien 2%, USA och Danmark 1% (var), övriga länder 2%.
It should be no suprise that the visitors to the Contest page at Ultunesaren's homepage mainly are Swedes, but perhaps the major increase among Finnish and German interest is worth noting. Since the start of Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007, the visitors have come from the following countries: Sweden 68%, Finland 16%, Germany 10%, Great Britain 2%, USA and Denmark 1% (each), other countries 2%.
It should be no suprise that the visitors to the Contest page at Ultunesaren's homepage mainly are Swedes, but perhaps the major increase among Finnish and German interest is worth noting. Since the start of Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007, the visitors have come from the following countries: Sweden 68%, Finland 16%, Germany 10%, Great Britain 2%, USA and Denmark 1% (each), other countries 2%.
Saturday, 23 December 2006
Friday, 22 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Den gröna flaskan i mitten kunde lika gärna ha stått i kökshyllan ...
The bottle in the middle could just as easily have been standing in the kitchen shelf ...
The bottle in the middle could just as easily have been standing in the kitchen shelf ...
Thursday, 21 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
"Och folket, både de som gick före och de som följde efter, ropade: 'Hosianna Davids son! Välsignad är han som kommer i Herrens namn. Hosianna i höjden!' - guide saknas - 'Två män gick upp till templet för att be, den ene var farisé, den andre tullindrivare.'" ?
"The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, 'Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!' - guide missing - 'Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.'" ?
"The crowds that went ahead of him and those that followed shouted, 'Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!' - guide missing - 'Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.'" ?
Wednesday, 20 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Enligt Time Magazine är Årets personlighet ingen annan än - du! Detta förklaras med vikten som den egna personen spelar i populärkulturen med bloggar och YouTube i frontlinjerna. I den tryckta tidningen förtydligas detta med hjälp av en spegel.
According to Time Magazine the Person of the Year is no one other than - you! This is explained with the massive influence every person can have on popular culture through blogs and YouTube as perfect examples. In the printed issue, this is clarified with the help of a mirror.
According to Time Magazine the Person of the Year is no one other than - you! This is explained with the massive influence every person can have on popular culture through blogs and YouTube as perfect examples. In the printed issue, this is clarified with the help of a mirror.
Klurendrejeriet in the media (part 5)
En notis om Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 finns med i senaste numret av SLU:s medarbetartidning Resurs. Tidningen går att ladda ner kostnadsfritt som pdf-fil på SLU Informationsavdelnings hemsida.
A brief story about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 can be seen in the latest issue of Resurs, the internal communication magazine at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The magazine is offered free as a pdf file at the SLU Communications Office homepage.
A brief story about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 can be seen in the latest issue of Resurs, the internal communication magazine at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The magazine is offered free as a pdf file at the SLU Communications Office homepage.
Tuesday, 19 December 2006
Uppdaterad version (Updated version)!
En uppdaterad version av Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 är tillgänglig på tävlingens hemsida, där man också kan hitta det senaste numret av Ultunesaren som pdf-fil (klicka på "Arkiv").
An updated version of Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 is now available on the homepage, as well as the latest issue of Ultunesaren as a pdf file (click on "Arkiv").
An updated version of Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 is now available on the homepage, as well as the latest issue of Ultunesaren as a pdf file (click on "Arkiv").
2000 besökare/clicks!
Ultunesarens tävlingssida startade sin webbräknare 11 december 2005 och nu har sidan som erbjuder annorlunda korsord och Klurendrejeriet(TM) besökts 2000 gånger. Besökarna har kommit från ett tjugotal länder runtom i världen, främst från Sverige och övriga Europa, även om en och annan amerikan och australiensare och har hittat dit.
The web counter on the Ultunesaren Contest Page was started on December 11, 2005 and today the 2000th visitor entered the realms of unusual crosswords and Klurendrejeriet(TM). The visitors are mainly Swedes and other Europeans, though the occasional American and Australian also stops by.
The web counter on the Ultunesaren Contest Page was started on December 11, 2005 and today the 2000th visitor entered the realms of unusual crosswords and Klurendrejeriet(TM). The visitors are mainly Swedes and other Europeans, though the occasional American and Australian also stops by.
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Den röda huvudbeståndsdelen saknas fortfarande ...
The red main ingredient is still missing ...
The red main ingredient is still missing ...
Monday, 18 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Idag erbjuds en större bild på ytterligare ett stilistiskt elegant vapen.
Today a larger picture of another stylishly luxurious coat-of-arms is offered.
Today a larger picture of another stylishly luxurious coat-of-arms is offered.
Klurendrejeriet in the media (part 4)
Pressmeddelandet om Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 var med bland de publicerade nyheterna hos i november, som rapporterar om "nyheter och information om flygresor, flygbiljetter och billiga flyg". Webbplatsen besöks enklast genom att klicka på länken ovan.
The press release about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 was one of the published news at in November, a web site that reports on "news and information about flights, flight tickets and cheap flights". Visit the web site using the link above (in Swedish only).
The press release about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 was one of the published news at in November, a web site that reports on "news and information about flights, flight tickets and cheap flights". Visit the web site using the link above (in Swedish only).
Sunday, 17 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
En närbild av ett upphängt familjevapen.
A close-up of a hanging coat-of-arms.
A close-up of a hanging coat-of-arms.
Intresset för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 har gjort att det gamla rekordet nu är slaget med bred marginal. Under december månads första halva har tävlingssidan haft fler besökare än Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2006 hade under hela december. 85 % av besökarna kommer från Sverige, 6 % från Tyskland och 5 % från Finland. Storbritannien, USA och Danmark ligger strax under 1 %-strecket.
The interest for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 has already beaten the old record by a wide margin. During the first half of December, more visitors have entered the contest's homepage compared to the entire month for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2006. 85 per cent of the visitors are from Sweden, 6 per cent from Germany, and 5 per cent from Finland. Great Britain, United States and Denmark are all just below the 1 per cent marker.
The interest for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 has already beaten the old record by a wide margin. During the first half of December, more visitors have entered the contest's homepage compared to the entire month for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2006. 85 per cent of the visitors are from Sweden, 6 per cent from Germany, and 5 per cent from Finland. Great Britain, United States and Denmark are all just below the 1 per cent marker.
Saturday, 16 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Idag färgläggs en grå ruta och blir blå.
Today a grey square turns blue.
Today a grey square turns blue.
Klurendrejeriets sponsorer: ICEHOTEL
ICEHOTEL(R) är en av huvudsponsorerna i Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007. Det ligger i Jukkasjärvi och tar emot gäster i midnattsolens land för sjuttonde året i rad. Livsnerven för Jukkasjärvi och ICEHOTEL(R) utgörs av Torne älv, som under en stor del av året är isbetäckt. Älven och dess vatten är en ständig leverantör av material för konst, arkitektur och design. Torne älv har Sveriges största avrinningsområde och dess rena vatten bildar den kristallklara is som hotellet är uppbyggt av. Besök gärna för mer information.
ICEHOTEL(R) is one of the main sponsors in Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007. It is located 200 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle in the village of Jukkasjärvi, Lapland, Sweden. The Torne River is the vein for both Jukkasjärvi and ICEHOTEL(R), thanks to its thick ice layer during a large part of the year. The river itself is the bringer of goods for all the art, architecture and design. Torne River has the largest watershed area in Sweden and the clean water forms the crystal-like ice used in construction of the hotel. Please visit for more information.
ICEHOTEL(R) is one of the main sponsors in Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007. It is located 200 kilometres north of the Arctic Circle in the village of Jukkasjärvi, Lapland, Sweden. The Torne River is the vein for both Jukkasjärvi and ICEHOTEL(R), thanks to its thick ice layer during a large part of the year. The river itself is the bringer of goods for all the art, architecture and design. Torne River has the largest watershed area in Sweden and the clean water forms the crystal-like ice used in construction of the hotel. Please visit for more information.
Friday, 15 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Om du ska stå parkerad länge, se då till att du har Ultunesaren nära till hands. Julnumret erbjuds snart som pdf-fil på hemsidan (
If you are going to sit in a parked car for a long time, make sure you have Ultunesaren handy. The X-mas issue will be available as a pdf file on the homepage ( shortly.
If you are going to sit in a parked car for a long time, make sure you have Ultunesaren handy. The X-mas issue will be available as a pdf file on the homepage ( shortly.
Fråga 14 har tidigare blivit förtydligad/rättad och nu är det dags igen - denna gång på engelska. För säkerhets skull kommer här den version som kommer att stå i den kommande versionen av Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007(v1.02):
"På bordet bredvid den vidbrända Janssons frestelsen ser du en hög med prylar som alla har någonting gemensamt. Gåtan består i att tala om vem vi letar efter (var och hur det skedde är tydligt illustrerat). Skriv ner den andra bokstaven i den titel (tre bokstäver totalt) som förknippas med denna eftersökta person."
Question 14 has been clarified/corrected before and now once again - this time in English. Just to be on the safe side, here is the version that will appear in the upcoming version of Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 (v1.02e):
"On the table next to the blackened potato and anchovy casserole one can see a few items that have something in common. You have to find out whom we are looking for (where and how it happened is clearly illustrated). Write down the second letter in the (three letter) title connected with the person we are looking for."
"På bordet bredvid den vidbrända Janssons frestelsen ser du en hög med prylar som alla har någonting gemensamt. Gåtan består i att tala om vem vi letar efter (var och hur det skedde är tydligt illustrerat). Skriv ner den andra bokstaven i den titel (tre bokstäver totalt) som förknippas med denna eftersökta person."
Question 14 has been clarified/corrected before and now once again - this time in English. Just to be on the safe side, here is the version that will appear in the upcoming version of Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 (v1.02e):
"On the table next to the blackened potato and anchovy casserole one can see a few items that have something in common. You have to find out whom we are looking for (where and how it happened is clearly illustrated). Write down the second letter in the (three letter) title connected with the person we are looking for."
Klurendrejeriet in the media (part 3)
Kiruna kommun har anslagit pressmeddelandet för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 som lokalnyhet för Jukkasjärvi (hemorten för ICEHOTEL, en av tävlingens huvudsponsorer). Besök Kiruna kommuns hemsida:
The municipality of Kiruna has posted the press release for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 as local news for Jukkasjärvi (the home of ICEHOTEL, one of the contest's main sponsors). Visit the homepage of The Municipality of Kiruna:
The municipality of Kiruna has posted the press release for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 as local news for Jukkasjärvi (the home of ICEHOTEL, one of the contest's main sponsors). Visit the homepage of The Municipality of Kiruna:
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Tvåspråkighet igen (Bilingualism revisited)
Den "varning" som utfärdades för Klurendrejeriet 2006 kan få summera den diskussion om tvåspråkighet som fördes på MeMaC igår, som säger att "om versionerna skiljer sig åt gäller den svenska texten, såvida inte skillnaden är avsiktligt menad" [översatt från Klurendrejeriet 2006:s engelska förbehåll].
The "fair warning" that was issued during Klurendrejeriet 2006 can sum up the discussion about the bilingual question that was raised on MeMaC yesterday:
"Disclaimer: This official English version is supplied as a service to the
non-Swedish readers of Ultunesaren and the international participants
of Klurendrejeriet. In case of discrepancies between the versions, the
Swedish original takes precedence, unless the alteration is intentional."
taken from Klurendrejeriet 2006 (English translation)
The "fair warning" that was issued during Klurendrejeriet 2006 can sum up the discussion about the bilingual question that was raised on MeMaC yesterday:
"Disclaimer: This official English version is supplied as a service to the
non-Swedish readers of Ultunesaren and the international participants
of Klurendrejeriet. In case of discrepancies between the versions, the
Swedish original takes precedence, unless the alteration is intentional."
taken from Klurendrejeriet 2006 (English translation)
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Dagens bild är överraskande oklar.
The picture ot the day is surprisingly unclear.
The picture ot the day is surprisingly unclear.
Tvåspråkigheten (Bilingualism explained)
En del icke-svensktalande deltagare har undrat hur det här med tvåspråkigheten egentligen fungerar. Detta förklaras på tyska och engelska på MeMaC, det officiellt utsedda frågeforumet för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007.
Gå till diskussionen:
Some non-Swedish-speaking were wondering how the bilingual issues are resolved. This is explained in German and English on MeMaC, the officially recognized quiz forum for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007.
Read the discussion:
Gå till diskussionen:
Some non-Swedish-speaking were wondering how the bilingual issues are resolved. This is explained in German and English on MeMaC, the officially recognized quiz forum for Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007.
Read the discussion:
Klurendrejeriet in the media (part 2)
Nyhetstjänsten har tagit upp Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 bland deras nyheter. Dessutom dyker det tidigare pressmeddelandet upp bland Flygtorgets Omvärldsbevakning på samma sida som informationen om vilken julmat som är tillåten att ta med på flyget enligt de senaste flygreglerna från EU. Sill och rödbetor får nobben (räknas som vätska), men brunkål och sylta är okej. Vi har kollat med Luftfartsverket (LFV) för säkerhets skull och det är okej att ta med sig Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 ombord, trots att tävlingen har temat mat.
Som tack för hjälpen erbjuder vi länkar tillbaka:,,
The news service has reported about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 among their news. Also, the previous press release can be seen at Flygtorget's World News Section on the same side as the information about which parts of the Swedish smorgasbord that are accepted following the latest EU regulations. Pickled herring and beets are rejected (counts as liquids), but fried cabbage and brawn is deemed okay. For security reasons, we have checked with the Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Service (LFV) and it is perfectly fine to bring Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 on board, in spite of its theme being food.
We graciously offer links back to these web pages:,,
Som tack för hjälpen erbjuder vi länkar tillbaka:,,
The news service has reported about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 among their news. Also, the previous press release can be seen at Flygtorget's World News Section on the same side as the information about which parts of the Swedish smorgasbord that are accepted following the latest EU regulations. Pickled herring and beets are rejected (counts as liquids), but fried cabbage and brawn is deemed okay. For security reasons, we have checked with the Swedish Airports and Air Navigation Service (LFV) and it is perfectly fine to bring Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 on board, in spite of its theme being food.
We graciously offer links back to these web pages:,,
Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Äntligen! - Inte nu igen! - Det vill jag vinna!
Igår släpptes frågorna till Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 och det hördes skilda utrop runt om i klurvärlden. De flesta var, glädjande nog, positiva så det är med glädje som ytterligare en bild får sin färgbild.
At last! - Not again! - I want to win that!
Yesterday the questions to Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 were released and several different reactions were noted around the world of quizzers. Most of them, we are happy to say, were positive so it is with great pleasure that we can present yet another colour picture.
Igår släpptes frågorna till Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 och det hördes skilda utrop runt om i klurvärlden. De flesta var, glädjande nog, positiva så det är med glädje som ytterligare en bild får sin färgbild.
At last! - Not again! - I want to win that!
Yesterday the questions to Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 were released and several different reactions were noted around the world of quizzers. Most of them, we are happy to say, were positive so it is with great pleasure that we can present yet another colour picture.
Inskickningsdatum (Dates for Solutions)
Tävlingsredaktionen har blivit uppmärksammad på att det i några upplagor av Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 står felaktiga inskickningsdatum. Här följer de riktiga datumen (ur kommande version, v1.02):
Inlämning: senast 12 januari (poststämpel) eller 15 januari, 17:00-19:00 (Ultunesarens redaktion)
Telefonkontakt: 16 januari, 12:00-13:00
Final: 21 januari, start 13:00
Finalmiddag: (meddelas senare)
We have been informed that the dates related to Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 have been misprinted in a few of the versions. Here are the correct ones (from the upcoming version, v1.02e):
Answers sent in: by 12 January (post stamp) or 15 January, 5:00-7:00 p.m. (Ultunesaren's office)
Telephone confirmation: 16 January, noon-1 p.m.
Final: 21 January, begins at 1 p.m.
Finalists' Dinner: (announced later)
Inlämning: senast 12 januari (poststämpel) eller 15 januari, 17:00-19:00 (Ultunesarens redaktion)
Telefonkontakt: 16 januari, 12:00-13:00
Final: 21 januari, start 13:00
Finalmiddag: (meddelas senare)
We have been informed that the dates related to Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 have been misprinted in a few of the versions. Here are the correct ones (from the upcoming version, v1.02e):
Answers sent in: by 12 January (post stamp) or 15 January, 5:00-7:00 p.m. (Ultunesaren's office)
Telephone confirmation: 16 January, noon-1 p.m.
Final: 21 January, begins at 1 p.m.
Finalists' Dinner: (announced later)
Ultunesaren snart Topp300?
Efter gårdagens kraftigt ökande besöksantal har Ultunesarens tävlingssida för första gången tagit sig in på Webstats4U:s Top 1000-lista för Sverige. Vi återfinner den officiella hemsidan för Klurendrejeriet(TM) och tidningens övriga tävlingar på plats 313 [-]. Med tanke på att Toffedreams Flatcoated Retriever i Norr, plats 312 [298], och sex webplatser till som använder samma webbräknartjänst tappar i besöksantal är kanske inte en placering inom Topp 300 inte utom räckhåll. En annan nykomling, Ultunesarens huvudsida, återfinns på plats 336 (-).
After the largest number of visitors on the Contest page of Klurendrejeriet(TM) and Ultunesaren, we are happy to announce that the page for the first time has entered Webstats4U's Top 1000 for Sweden at #313 (-). Will the page reach a Top 300 position today perhaps, passing Toffedreams Flatcoated Retriever i Norr #312 [298]? Another newcomer, the main page of Ultunesaren, is found at #336 (-).
After the largest number of visitors on the Contest page of Klurendrejeriet(TM) and Ultunesaren, we are happy to announce that the page for the first time has entered Webstats4U's Top 1000 for Sweden at #313 (-). Will the page reach a Top 300 position today perhaps, passing Toffedreams Flatcoated Retriever i Norr #312 [298]? Another newcomer, the main page of Ultunesaren, is found at #336 (-).
Klurendrejeriet in the media
Newsdesk, Sveriges ledande söktjänst för pressinformation, har snappat upp det pressmeddelande som SLU tillhandahöll om Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 för ett par dagar sedan. Läs pressmeddelandet på antingen SLU:s eller Newsdesks hemsida.
Newsdesk, Sweden's leading search service for press information, has picked up the press release about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences published on its webpage a few days ago. Read the press release on either SLU:s or Newsdesk's homepage.
Newsdesk, Sweden's leading search service for press information, has picked up the press release about Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences published on its webpage a few days ago. Read the press release on either SLU:s or Newsdesk's homepage.
Klurendrejeriets sponsorer: Nationalnyckeln
Nationalnyckeln är en av Klurendrejeriets tre huvudsponsorer och är Sveriges största bokverk någonsin. Det är en populärvetenskaplig presentation av landets 50000 flercelliga växt-, djur- och svamparter som görs på uppdrag av Sveriges riksdag. Hittills har det utkommit tre volymer, men kommer att bestå av mer än 100 stycken när det står klart. De rikt illustrerade verken har vunnit och blivit nominerade många gånger bland Sveriges bokpriser. Läs mer om Nationalnyckeln på verkets hemsida:
Nationalnyckeln (The Encyclopedia of the Swedish Flora and Fauna) is one of Klurendrejeriet's three main sponsors, and is Sweden's largest book series ever. It is a popular scientific presentation of the 50'000 multicellular plant, animal, and fungi species carried out by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken) by appointment from the Swedish government. So far, three volumes have been printed, but will consist of more than 100 once it is completed. Several prizes and nominations for prizes have already been bestowed upon the released works with their stunning illustrations. The main language is Swedish, but each species has an English summary with key facts. Read more about Nationalnyckeln project on the official English homepage:
Nationalnyckeln (The Encyclopedia of the Swedish Flora and Fauna) is one of Klurendrejeriet's three main sponsors, and is Sweden's largest book series ever. It is a popular scientific presentation of the 50'000 multicellular plant, animal, and fungi species carried out by the Swedish Species Information Centre (ArtDatabanken) by appointment from the Swedish government. So far, three volumes have been printed, but will consist of more than 100 once it is completed. Several prizes and nominations for prizes have already been bestowed upon the released works with their stunning illustrations. The main language is Swedish, but each species has an English summary with key facts. Read more about Nationalnyckeln project on the official English homepage:
Tuesday, 12 December 2006
3000 besökare/clicks!
Ultunesarens webbadress passerade idag 3000 besökare tack vare en rejäl skjuts när Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 offentliggjordes för ett par timmar sedan. Tävlingssidan fick en liknande knuff i rätt riktning och svepte förbi 1600 besökare.
The internet address of Ultunesaren,, checked in its 3000th visitor when Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 was published a few hours ago. The separate counter on the Contest page also received a push forward and passed 1600 visitors.
The internet address of Ultunesaren,, checked in its 3000th visitor when Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 was published a few hours ago. The separate counter on the Contest page also received a push forward and passed 1600 visitors.
Klurendrejeriet 2007!
Så var det dags! Årets upplaga av Klurendrejeriet(TM) offentliggjordes 12:12:12 idag (12 december). Vi i tävlingsledningen önskar alla deltagare lycka till och mycken glädje!
Let's get ready to rumble! This year's edition of Klurendrejeriet(TM) was officially released at 12 minutes and 12 seconds after noon today, 12 December. The organizing committe wishes all participants good luck and lots of fun!
Let's get ready to rumble! This year's edition of Klurendrejeriet(TM) was officially released at 12 minutes and 12 seconds after noon today, 12 December. The organizing committe wishes all participants good luck and lots of fun!
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Med frågorna snart i öppen dager, fortsätter adventskalendern att erbjuda unika bilder som du inte hittar någon annanstans. Idag, en svartvit bild i färg!
With the questions soon revealed, the X-mas calender continues to offer unique pictures you will not find anywhere else. Today, a black-and-white picture in living colour!
With the questions soon revealed, the X-mas calender continues to offer unique pictures you will not find anywhere else. Today, a black-and-white picture in living colour!
Klurendrejeriet in Quiz Forum!
Sedan ifjol erbjuds Klurendrejeriet(TM) i officiell engelsk översättning och nu gör tävlingen internationell entré. Klurendrejeriet är en av tävlingarna som stöds av det tyska tävlingsforumet MeMac på dess hemsida, där alla är välkomna att fundera ihop och kanske byta ledtrådar. För att alla ska ha en chans att läsa sig till vad som sägs rekommenderas engelska som språk, men detta är på inget sätt något krav. Gå till forumet, registrera dig och läs vad andra har att säga om årets tävling. OBS! Bryt dock inte mot forumets regler och MeMaC:s och Klurendrejeriets hederskodex: förstör inte nöjet för andra genom att lägga ut svar direkt i forumet (det gör man isåfall enskilt på annat sätt, förslagsvis privat e-post).
Du hittar Klurendrejeriets tråd på följande adress:
Du hittar Klurendrejeriets tråd på följande adress:
Since last year, Klurendrejeriet(TM) is also offered as an official English translation. Now the contest is one of featured items on the German quiz forum MeMac at
Klurendrejeriet's thread is found here:
Monday, 11 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Det går elva man på ett fotbollslag, men detta tal verkar osa svavel ...
There is eleven men in a football team, but this number stings your nose ...
There is eleven men in a football team, but this number stings your nose ...
En dag kvar ... (One day to go ...)
Klurendrejare - dags att börja värma upp (sök)motorerna! Imorgon börjar det!
Riddlers - start your (search) engines! Tomorrow we're taking off!
Riddlers - start your (search) engines! Tomorrow we're taking off!
Sunday, 10 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
En film med en man i beige trenchcoat, ett litet grönt paket med röda snören och en fallen flagga?
A movie with a man in a beige trenchcoat, a green X-mas gift tied with a red bow, and a fallen flag?
A movie with a man in a beige trenchcoat, a green X-mas gift tied with a red bow, and a fallen flag?
Sista titlarna! (The last titles!)
Om du har följt med denna blogg från början vet du redan att det bara återstår fyra titlar, tre från huvudtävlingen och en från internetfrågorna. Här kommer de:
If you have followed this blog from the start you already know that only four titles are missing, three from the main contest and one from the internet questions. Here they are:
If you have followed this blog from the start you already know that only four titles are missing, three from the main contest and one from the internet questions. Here they are:
Saturday, 9 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Finns det några klappar i sockorna? Inte än kanske, men vänta bara ...
Är there any gifts in the stockings? Not yet maybe, but wait and see ...
Är there any gifts in the stockings? Not yet maybe, but wait and see ...
Titlar som slår! (Titles once again!)
Det är Annadagen och för er som inte är upptagna med att lägga lutfisken i blöt kommer här ett par nya titlar:
B. DEN 13/12
It is the ninth of December and if you are not too busy soaking the lutefisk, you can always ponder on these titles:
B. THE 13/12
B. DEN 13/12
It is the ninth of December and if you are not too busy soaking the lutefisk, you can always ponder on these titles:
B. THE 13/12
Friday, 8 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Far, jag har fått upp min kokosnöt, men vad gör den gulröda kammen där?
What is a cracked coconut and a yellow-red comb doing on the kitchen floor?
What is a cracked coconut and a yellow-red comb doing on the kitchen floor?
Helt nya titlar! (Brand new titles!)
Många titlar som redovisats hittills har även använts i tidigare versioner av Klurendrejeriet(TM), men här kommer tre stycken som är helt nya:
Many of the titles that has been revealed so far have been also been used in previous versions of Klurendrejeriet(TM), but here are three completely new ones:
Many of the titles that has been revealed so far have been also been used in previous versions of Klurendrejeriet(TM), but here are three completely new ones:
Thursday, 7 December 2006
Kickoff Video (on YouTube)
Det var mer än ett rykte - det var sant! Efter att först ha fått höra ryktet om en bootleginspelning av kickoffens presentation via andra kanaler avvisade tävlingsledningen detta, även om det är rätt smickrande. Nu har vi dock sett videon (som var upptankad på YouTube(TM)!) med egna ögon och instämma med ryktet. Informationen klassas visserligen som inofficiell, men eftersom ingen information är tillagd behövs ingen dementi i nuläget. Klurbloggen är tillsammans med Ultunesaren (och dess hemsida) dock de enda officiella kanalerna för Klurendrejeriet(TM). De två filmerna hittas enklast genom en sökning på YouTubes hemsida:
It was more than a rumour - it was true! After receiving the rumour of a bootleg recording of the kickoff presentation through other channels, the contest committe debunked the information, in spite of it being somewhat flattering. Now we have seen (uploaded to YouTube(TM)!) with our own eyes and we have now changed our position. The information is most certainly inofficial, but since no information is added or altered there is no need to publicly dismiss the event. Klurbloggen together with Ultunesaren (and its homepage) remain, however, the only official channels of Klurendrejeriet(TM). The two video clips are found through a normal search on YouTube's homepage:
It was more than a rumour - it was true! After receiving the rumour of a bootleg recording of the kickoff presentation through other channels, the contest committe debunked the information, in spite of it being somewhat flattering. Now we have seen (uploaded to YouTube(TM)!) with our own eyes and we have now changed our position. The information is most certainly inofficial, but since no information is added or altered there is no need to publicly dismiss the event. Klurbloggen together with Ultunesaren (and its homepage) remain, however, the only official channels of Klurendrejeriet(TM). The two video clips are found through a normal search on YouTube's homepage:
Vicken meny! (The Late Menu)
Här kommer ytterligare en titel från huvudtävlingen och två från vickningsmenyn:
Here is yet another title from the main contest and two from the late night snack menu (the one that could take you straight to the final!):
Here is yet another title from the main contest and two from the late night snack menu (the one that could take you straight to the final!):
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Sju stjärnor hänger på väggen, fyra till vänster och tre till höger, men vem är hon?
Seven stars are hanging on the wall, four to the left and three to the right, but who is she?
Wednesday, 6 December 2006
Klurbloggen hittad/found!
Så hittades den till slut, Klurbloggen! Grattis till den som hittade den dagliga kanalen till den senaste inom KlurendrejerietTM och tack för att du meddelade andra att den fanns!
It was finally discovered, Klurbloggen! Congratulations to the lucky seeker who found the daily channel to the latest news from KlurendrejerietTM and thanks for letting others in on the secret!
It was finally discovered, Klurbloggen! Congratulations to the lucky seeker who found the daily channel to the latest news from KlurendrejerietTM and thanks for letting others in on the secret!
En ny titel - A new title
På kick-offen igår offentliggjordes sex frågors titlar:
Idag fyller vi på med: 10. FLAGGSPEL
During the kick-off yesterday, the title of six questions were revealed though only in Swedish. Here are the English counterparts of those six and a seventh title as well:
Idag fyller vi på med: 10. FLAGGSPEL
During the kick-off yesterday, the title of six questions were revealed though only in Swedish. Here are the English counterparts of those six and a seventh title as well:
Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 Kick-off
Gårdagskvällens officiella kick-off för KlurendrejerietTM 2007 blev lyckad! Presentationen av såväl priserna som en första titt på årets tävling fick applåder och idel glada ansikten lämnade lokalen efteråt. Förra årets vinnare, Harald Cederlund, undrade när frågorna offentliggörs i år och budskapet var tydligt: när nästa nummer av Ultunesaren kommer (preliminärt datum: 12 december)! För att vara helt säker, kan man ju alltid återkomma hit tills dess ...
Last night's official kick-off for KlurendrejerietTM 2007 was a success! The presentation of both the prizes and a sneak preview of this issue of the contest ended in applauds, and only happy faces left the auditorium afterwards. Last year's winner, Harald Cederlund, wondered when the questions will be officially released, and the message was clear: when the next issue of Ultunesaren is issued (preliminary date: 12 December)! To be absolutely sure, it is probably a good idea to come back to this blog until then ...
Last night's official kick-off for KlurendrejerietTM 2007 was a success! The presentation of both the prizes and a sneak preview of this issue of the contest ended in applauds, and only happy faces left the auditorium afterwards. Last year's winner, Harald Cederlund, wondered when the questions will be officially released, and the message was clear: when the next issue of Ultunesaren is issued (preliminary date: 12 December)! To be absolutely sure, it is probably a good idea to come back to this blog until then ...
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Sex flaggor hänger på band i julgranen, där den här är den första.
Six flags hang in the X-mas tree, where this is the first one.
Six flags hang in the X-mas tree, where this is the first one.
Tuesday, 5 December 2006
Sponsorer för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007
Huvudsponsorer för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007:
Nationalnyckeln (
Övriga sponsorer för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007:
Wallins matsal, Uppsala
Texas Long Horn, Uppsala
Akademibokhandeln LundeQ, Uppsala
Hälle Krukmakeri, Bjästa
Nationalnyckeln (
Övriga sponsorer för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007:
Wallins matsal, Uppsala
Texas Long Horn, Uppsala
Akademibokhandeln LundeQ, Uppsala
Hälle Krukmakeri, Bjästa
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Kom ihåg femte december! Nu börjar bilden så sakteliga byggas upp. En halmbock, en lista och idag: en klocka!
Remember, rembember the fifth of December! We're building the picture, bit by bit. A straw goat, a list and today: an alarm clock!
Remember, rembember the fifth of December! We're building the picture, bit by bit. A straw goat, a list and today: an alarm clock!
Monday, 4 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Vad tar vi med oss från Klurbloggen idag? Tja, allt möjligt: pennan, flaggan, Klur'06 och ... diskbänken?
What will we bring from Klurbloggen today? Well, everything imaginable: the pen, the flag, Klur'06, and ... the kitchen sink?
What will we bring from Klurbloggen today? Well, everything imaginable: the pen, the flag, Klur'06, and ... the kitchen sink?
Sunday, 3 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Den tredje december bjuder på ett (nyfallet?) lönnlöv.
The third of December offers a (recently?) fallen maple leaf.
The third of December offers a (recently?) fallen maple leaf.
Saturday, 2 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
December månads andra dag och även en ny bild från årets tävling. Håll till godo!
It's the second day of December and time for a new picture from this year's contest. Enjoy!
It's the second day of December and time for a new picture from this year's contest. Enjoy!
Friday, 1 December 2006
Klurendrejeriets adventskalender
Välkommen till adventskalendern hos KlurendrejerietTM! I nederkant av bilden kommer du varje dag fram till jul att få se lite nytt material från årets tävling. Hela tävlingen finner du fr.o.m. 12 december på eller i tidningen Ultunesaren på ett bibliotek nära dig.
Welcome to the X-Mas Calendar of KlurendrejerietTM! On the bottom of this page, every day until X-Mas, you will find a new image from this year's contest. You can download the entire contest (starting 12 December) at or read it in Ultunesaren (at your nearest library).
Welcome to the X-Mas Calendar of KlurendrejerietTM! On the bottom of this page, every day until X-Mas, you will find a new image from this year's contest. You can download the entire contest (starting 12 December) at or read it in Ultunesaren (at your nearest library).
Kick-off för Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007!
Missa inte chansen att vara med på den officiella kick-offen för KlurendrejerietTM 2007! Den går av stapeln 5 december i Loftets hörsal, SLU Uppsala med start kl. 17. Vi ses!
Don't miss the opportunity to visit the official kick-off for KlurendrejerietTM 2007! It starts at 5 p.m., 5 December in Loftets hörsal, SLU Uppsala. See you there!
Don't miss the opportunity to visit the official kick-off for KlurendrejerietTM 2007! It starts at 5 p.m., 5 December in Loftets hörsal, SLU Uppsala. See you there!
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