Thursday 31 January 2008


Det är inte lika lätt att äta sin egen mat ombord ett plan nuförtiden. Inte nog med att man kanske nekas att ta med sig sina egna bestick, klassificeras vissa varor som vätska och kan därmed "fastna" i säkerhetskontrollen. Detta stämmer för samtliga varor skrivna med röd text på vår varulista, medan det är fritt fram för de gröna artiklarna. Bland de fyra man fick välja bland är det bara Aladdinasken som får grönt ljus i alla lägen (enligt Luftfartsstyrelsen). Rätt svar: a (7,5 poäng)

Yes box alright!

It is not easy eating your own food aboard an airplane these days. Bringing your own silverware ought to be impossible, and add to that the classification of certain goods as liquids and thus get "caught" in the security checkpoint. This is true for all the goods written with red typeface on our list, while the green light is given for the so coloured articles. Of the four left to choose from, only the Aladdin box of chocolates is allowed to be brought aboard. Correct answer: a (7.5 points)


Anonymous said...

Not quite correct: ALL of the items can be brought aboard, although some of them only in your CHECKED bag.
Nothing in the question requires that we have the smorgasbord ON BOARD of the airplane.
Upon arrival at the destination "on the other side of the world", just retrieve and unpack your bag (including the silverware :-) and enjoy the food!

Mr. Klur said...

As described in the question, we may only bring what is written in green on the shopping list ("what to buy") and not bring the articles in red ("what not to buy"). Of the four listed items, an Aladdin box matches the other ones best, since it is not considered a liquid (the remaining three and all the red items are). This means that the smorgasbord indeed could be enjoyed just prior to landing, regardless if it was a condition in the text or not.