Tuesday, 16 January 2007


Den enklaste gåtan i Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 var enligt de svar som lämnades in 2. IS SAKNAS. Bildelementen skulle leda tankarna till följande:

magnesium (Mg) [vågen väger upp 1 milligram]

aluminium (Al) [Al Bundy i Våra värsta år]
fosfor (P) [parkeringsplats]
svavel (S) [internationell signalflagga för bokstaven S]

Det som saknas är alltså beteckningen för kisel, Si, som även antyddes i frågans titel IS SAKNAS! Frågan besvarades korrekt av 67 % av tävlingens deltagare och var värd 1 poäng. Rätt svar: i

The Swedish Institute is also Si!

The easiest question from the solvers' point-of-view in Klurendrejeriet(TM) 2007 was 2. IS MISSING. The pictures were supposed to lead you to the following:

magnesium (Mg) [the scales are weighing in 1 milligram]
aluminium (Al) [Al Bundy in Married with Children]
phosporous (P) [parking sign]
sulfur (S) [international maritime flag for the letter S]

This means that the symbol for silicon, Si, was missing, which also could be seen in the title of the question: IS MISSING! The questions was correctly answered by 67 % of the participants and was worth 1 point. Correct answer: i

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