Monday 17 December 2007

Ultunesaren ute nu/out now!

Om du är medlem i Ultuna studentkår bör du ha fått Ultunesaren i din brevlåda idag. Om så inte skulle vara fallet, vänligen kontakta redaktionen via epost. I tidningen hittar du de tjugofyra ordinarie frågorna på svenska med högupplösta bilder i fyrfärgstryck. Vi har även ett antal gratisexemplar som vi med glädje skickar till intressade icke-medlemmar. Skicka isåfall ett meddelande till samma adress.

"Is it hot, hot, hot? Or cold?"
Ur askan i elden?

If you are a member in Ultuna Student Union, you should have received your copy of Ultunesaren in the mail today. If this is not the case, please contact the editorial office by email. In the magazine you can find the twenty-four regular questions in Swedish with high-resolution pictures in process colour. We also have a few space copies that we are happy to send to interested non-members. If you are interested, please send a message to the same address.

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